Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

‘The figures are scary Sharon’

How are we looking in terms of ICU capacity?

Still very few people dying from this thankfully since April.

They are lying to people now. They need to focus on hospitalisations and deaths as metrics.

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RTE needs to be defunded


I wonder who’ll be wrong McWanker or Nolan

Nordies are the new Bulgarian strawberry pickers

George says we are on the right track. Time to get worried.

I’d put money on both being wrong


A bookie wouldnt touch it.

Fella holding the camera in Washington after dropping dead from the COVID

Yeap. A disgrace how that story was portrayed

Sharon has fallen to Covid

I think Sharon just keeled over with Covid.

Sharon after dropping dead from the COVID now

Poor Sharon in a bad way before the ad break there.

Damn you COVID19

Monkey nuts are a hoor this time of the year

What happened?

The vaccine is all but here lads. It’ll be over by Christmas.