Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Sharon was vaccinated during the ad break.

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Sharon lives!!

She couldnā€™t get a sentence out amid a bout of coughing. Cut to an abrupt ad break.

The good news is she self isolated for the three minutes and has now beaten the Rona.


The picture globally doesnā€™t look too bad at all.

Cases stabilizing and deaths continuing to fall.

She had a 9euro meal during the ad break


The infection can be traced back through the DNA/RNA, thatā€™s not to say itā€™s being done here, but itā€™s possible. The NFL cases are being tracked that way.

If she was in senior infants sheā€™d have been spirited out to the garden shed until her mammy came to collect her


Being a ginger cunt an underlying symptom now apparo

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How are things in the pub? Has it been difficult to manage the punters?

Regeneron getting great free advertising, horsing an antibody cocktail into Trump.

Iā€™ll tell you tomorrow. First night Iā€™ve more or less left them to it. :grinning: Well on top now though I reckon. Toughest part is getting them out. Opening night we didnā€™t have them out until after 1am despite trying from 11. Weā€™ve had an empty pub every night since usually by 11.30 but some nights can be closer to midnight. You can only do your best.
Did music last night for the first time but between the stage and the sound it took up 12 good drinking spots, and we were turning them away at the door. In other words its looking even tougher for musicians then I thought.
There no issues getting their details but youā€™d want eyes on every single table at all times to make sure the punters are being 100% compliant, they are for the most part in fairness but all it takes is one innit


You can sell shots of my plasma. Iā€™m obviously immune.

The missus is as happy as Iā€™ve seen her for a while. I think she had awful guilt sheā€™d infected her children. I didnā€™t feature


I remember getting tested and isolating again for 48 hours knowing full well I didnā€™t have it. I still got a sense of dread for a minute second when the result popped up in a text. As expected the result was negative but it occurred to me how the entire experience seemed designed to optimize fear in an individual

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I genuinely wished I had it. Because I had no symptoms.

Very interesting.

Felt sorry for the girl running our local when a crowd piled in after a football match. There was only so much roaring she could do at us to stay at our tables.

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A weekend of county finals incoming, the pubs out the sticks will have their work cut out for sure

Newcastle is riddled according to the BBC news here. Great interviews with students through a window. Haway the lads.

The POTUS is admitted to hospital


How long are yourself and the wife sleeping in separate rooms, pal?