Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Memories of those cuntsā€¦

You get ripped off on your big day pal?

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Not at all.

Just find it a tad rich you cutting the back off lads trying to earn a few quid at weddings but crusty fuckers singing for pints are okay?



This thread has taken a strange turn.

Earning a crust and ripping impressionable young couples off are 2 different things.
Lads playing for a few pints has nothing to do with that despite regardless of whatever prejudice you evidently cling to


Wedding bands are only in it for the money, bands that play in pubs are in it for the love of music or pints or both.


Some of the best craic Iā€™ve had has been dancing to ac/dc with my tie around my head at a wedding

Was there a band playing?


Look, if people are willing to pay then best of luck to the bands.

If you donā€™t ask you canā€™t receive.

Who knows

Free Beer priced themselves out of my wedding

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I do. Its very much why we had a trial run last night. All about figuring out how to make it work for all parties while such restrictions remain in place. Iā€™m very lucky to have a back catalogue of artists willing to do gigs while we collectively try to figure it all out, theres a reason for that.
Live streaming is the main thing we are working on, if you can break the yank market with that then its happy days Covid restrictions or not.
If the Govt are genuinely serious about helping musicians they will have to put the tax burden on the venues, lets face it if you think your average lad in the corner with a banjo is filing tax returns then I have news for you

If Flotus dies I would vote Republican myself in sympathy

Heā€™s an absolute fucking idiot.

They make a serious living from ex UL students weddings Iā€™d say

Thereā€™s nowt as bad as a bad wedding band. Itā€™ll make a right ball of shite of your day.

Weddings = Cunts complaining aboutā€¦

  • Food
  • Service
  • Speeches
  • Music
  • DJ

Fuck them all, cunts.

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