Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Tbf we had a great day out at yours. The tayto sandwiches at the end of the night were a delight.

I had a great time from midnight to 4am

Twas only getting going then shur

The day after is the real fucking shindig.

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Ah I’m too auld for that craic anymore.

I remember chatting with a guy years back who played in a couple of more decent indie bands. Excellent guitar player and multi instrumentalist.

Weekends were block booked playing with a wedding band. He didn’t enjoy it and seemed embarrassed by it but the pay was so good that it was covering all his costs and allowing him to work on his own music during the week.

Generally the lads playing in wedding bands are technically really good players. I know a fair few lads who’ve kept it hush hush that they’ve done a few bits of fill ins for wedding bands only to be rumbled when someone they know rocked up at the wedding

The lads who used to be in that band Revelino played a few weddings I was out

Penney’s has fallen

This deep cleaning lark must be some earner. The local secondary school has had a few positive tests amongst students and the parents have all been assured that deep cleaning is taking place.
My guess is 1k a classroom

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Ham Sandwich were the band for one of my brother’s wedding. They were brilliant.

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It’s around €420 a visit. Around an hours work for two lads and all the kit.

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They’re an actual* band.

*wedding bands aren’t real.

How much would a wedding band charge?

Couple of grand

Great band. I’d love to see then at a wedding.

You shouldn’t be thinking about money at a time like this

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And completely pointless :clap::clap:


Dr Tony cleaning house before the big comeback

While his OUITF credentials will be popular here, the guy is clearly a crank who associates with Gran Torino.

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