Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


I still think you are failing to grasp how this is being passed along…

Prof Nolan assured me that people were catching it in pubs and restaurants initially and then passing it on to their families.

Closing restaurants in Dublin has had no effect.

But would it be okay for people to transmit it at home & bring it into pubs & restaurants?

FFS. What do they be at?

No. I’m not following your point here.

The closure of restaurants was not featured in phase 3. That would suggest, to me anyway, that it was put forward as an exceptional measure because there was a specific problem with that setting.

Will fellas laid up with vertigo be given special dispensation to go to the pub next week when they recover?

What the absolute fuck.

Go for it mate. One pint and you’ll be on your ear.

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Who knows what the admin issues are.

Problem is there is a significant cohort who when it is explained to them that only two deaths are recent will say , ‘but still…’.

T-Dawg Holohan will have the lock out Monday

Rte2 are showing a documentary now - the Flu that killed 50 million.


A few hospitals in July and August sent their death reports up to the HSE via carrier pigeon and they got lost en route

Joan in admin was on annual leave and Theresa was to look after it, but her son had to be taken out of school cos he had a cough so she had to take time off to look after him, and there wasn’t a fucking hope that Frances was sorting it out

and at most a few stuffy noses between the lot of them

Josh is closing up I see

Big outbreak amongst a few local traveller families that held a celebration in there last weekend

What did they think of the road race?

u reckon Julio? bad news for a few I know back home who were getting into a nice routine in the local

Good question…8 of the deaths are from weeks ago and they found another death which wasn’t one at all.