Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

This deserves a thread of its own.


@Tim_Riggins was it you that posted the article about the 1957 and 63 virus… can you repost it.

Shared with Roger Goodell

Government only cares about the economy in so much as how it influences re-election.
The people in government are in the first line of secured bondholders at wage time when an economy goes tits up. Half of them like miggledy probably see it as an opportunity to pick up some chape houses.
What you need to bear in mind is that this pandemic has given a load of lads and ladies in government a little bit of jizz in their underpants, as folk who would in any other walk of life be stretched working a cash register get to act all end of daysy.



Come off it ffs

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Nope. They don’t give a shit beyond re-election. Most of them are limited. Few have left a particularly successful career behind to enter politics. Fewer again are in it for altruistic reasons.
The ones that do claim to give a flying fcuk about the economy look no further than MNC investment they can announce, and the price of houses continuing to rise above inflation.

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Lovely turn of phase there flatty.

Tories have a majority & Brexit in the bag. It could not be in their interests to be dealing with this pandemic with unnecessary lockdowns & potentially huge job losses.

The pandemic is handy for the Tories to bury the economic fallout from Brexit

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Bury? Their economy was going to hurt due to Brexit never mind what has happened since.

I think that’s the point, no better time to push through a hard Brexit in some respects. The blame will be on Covid.

It would be hard to differentiate how much of the downturn is attributable to the policy they deliberately enacted - Brexit, vs the pandemic that they didn’t cause

Straw man conspiracy theories

They’ve (Cummings the smeagolly cunt) calculated that they can bury Brexit in coronavirus. I think they’ve got this one wrong. I think they have the barrels of both pointed foursquare at them.
In other news, those vile cretins the Welch, are squealing that it’s not fair if the EU funding they voted to lose isn’t matched “pound for pound” by the UK govt.


I dunno, and I dunno how successful it would be.

The key thing with shutting people out of work is to keep the supply chain moving so people can still buy the food and drink they want and not feel the danger of being booted out. Brexit could disrupt that. They would basically take a hit on two ends.

Playing the off the cliff approach might be a good policy though. Everyone is sick of Brexit and worried about the ‘Rona, maybe they think the EU will take a longer term hit in strategy in exchange for some short term certainty.

Are you not a big broadcaster of the COVID-19 is a cod theory & that people are getting on with things regardless?


What are you on about?

I was just elaborating on what I think @Biff_Egan was suggesting. I didn’t say whether I thought that was the strategy or not.

You get a bit angry on here sometimes when you take something the wrong way.

I’m flabbergasted anyone could entertain the thought of shutting an economy down unnecessarily is all.

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