Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Why not drive on like sweden instead of opening and closing.

NPHET are like the troika, easy target for Mick to vent against. Like the Troika they only make recommendations however. NPHET won’t be putting the country at level 5, this government will if it happens.
This has all the hallmarks of a false flag for the govt to get some good pr by not agreeing with them btw.

Je suis Belgium

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Brophy is a complete idiot.

Not a hope level 5 happens. It will close schools as unions will pull teachers out. Government know that.


My sources tell me Dublin goes to level 4 and we will all go to level 3. What does level 3 mean?

Then I look at you
And I know its gonna be
A lovely daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
A lovely daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Ask your sources


Can Martin/Donnelly sack Holohan and co?

How anyone could continue to have confidence in these headbangers is beyond me

One word
Two syllables.
Begins with l and ends with n
First syllable rhymes with cock

Only 20 in ICU. Bonkers stuff


Reports from the government indicate Nphet have lost the dressing room.

Going by Dublin in reality absolutely nothing.

They need to cop the fuck on and realise two things. Firstly the oirish are not some thoughtful bland rule followers like Germans or Swedes, so really strongly encouraging, please, ah now, come on guys, won’t work a bit. Fine people reasonable amounts, simple as that. House parties, people not quarantining after return from abroad, businesses contravening regulations, fine them and let that be it. Won’t be long modifying behaviour.

Second realisation needed is that twitter is populated in the main by idiots, and their number is countless and never ending. So no matter what they do, someone will complain and accuse them of murder. So ignore the dimwits and make a decision based on what is best for the country long term.

But this is all wishful thinking.

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What’s the point of us going into level 3 if level 3 hasn’t stopped the rise of cases in Dublin? Does that not mean level 3 doesn’t work and isn’t fit for purpose?

You can just picture that smug prick Philip Nolan at the end of the NPHET meeting today.

With a smiling face gleefully announcing “so that’s agreed, the proposal is to move the entire country to Level 5.”

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Dr Tony is back and all hell breaks loose. Welcome back Dr Tony.

Ffs. Derry were a shoe in for the all Ireland this year

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Why does the whole country need to go to level three. There are a few counties doing grand, surely they at least could be left alone