Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Right boys, very briefly, NPHET are the virus, NPHET are the national emergency. Coronavirus is an utter farce. Dr Tony should be assassinated.

I’ve spent the last few night in dirty nasty sweatbox nightclubs dancing up close and personal with all manner of Polish youth. There were no masks or social distancing or closing hours or fucks given. I’ll take a few wee videos as proof soon and come home to show the world what is happening. We’ll bust this whole fraud wide open. Some people are so brainwashed now they’ll just never accept it.


Why are NPHET shitting themselves again so when their levels are way off what is up north at present?

You seem to be sticking to your line from months ago which was as wrong then as it is now.

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What pro sports team do we have in ireland? The 4 rugby teams will be bust by February, the league of ireland was on its knees professionally wise bar 1 or 2 clubs. Sport isn’t about the professional teams who make up 1% of the game. All of which in ireland isn’t sustainable without crowds

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I can’t get over that they’ve suggested this nationwide. I thought the “Living with COVID” plan divided us into counties so that each would be treated individually based on the cases there?


So the lockdown worked?

The irish league is very compliant.

It’s about the economy. We need to keep as many people in work and going to work as possible.

The gaa players don’t rely on it for an income but their behaviour And their supporters is causing a rise in cases. The government then impose restrictions when the cases rise which put people out of work.

People have every right to be angry over it. The gaa and their supporters here should cop the fuck on. Stuff like recreational sport and what not are the final piece of the puzzle.

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NPHET being called out now - why is a government advisory body releasing advice to coincide with news cycles in time for 9 o’clock news.

Schism between people who are paid a salary regardless of lockdown and people who are not paid if their business is closed.


You would be correct. He is a shaved ape

Some Junior A mangers rely on the GAA for an income

cc @dodgy_keeper & @manbehindthewire




Proper order. The way this has been released is disgraceful. Government should be issuing a yellow card to NPHET about this regardless of what they do with the advice

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Defund NPHET.


So in this living with covid world no social or sporting activities to be allowed as the big bad wolf will get us? Wake up work go to bed is no life. Lockdown isn’t the answer either is scapegoating people who look for the simple joys of life. All work and no play make jack go…

NPHET are shitting themselves for the same reason the North are, the trajectory of cases. Which NPHET have no clue over as they spent the summer not doing their job properly.

I think NPHET and the Government are doing an awful job at the moment. So if you say the North is worse then that really is something, poor governance up there too it seems.

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Simon agrees leaks don’t help


And on Radio One the next morning as well…they do what they like.

Broadsheet, which admittedly has its share of headbanger content, is calling out George Lee. This NPHET level 5 recommendation broke at 8.30pm last night, all the broadcast and print political journalists had it immediately, yet Lee went on the 9pm news to say the current restrictions were working and Dublin was turning a corner. Completely oblivious to what was going on. Then he was back on Morning Ireland this morning and he didn’t know who to blame.

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He must have the in with Glynner and not Tony.

I mean how can NPHET have any credibility left, no to level 3 on a Thursday but level 5 on Sunday.

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