Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The barney curleys pissed off the inter county wasn’t played first. I suppose hard to blame them when they don’t follow a club.

The political system in the O6 has always been a joke, two parties with polar ideals and values being forced to govern together over a fractured state along sectarian lines who in turn have constraints on them by a Westminister government who don’t give a toss about them.

The O6 will never have a properly functioning government due to Westminister and demographics.

The point you insist on deflecting from is the absolute basket case that is the Free State health service which is down to decades of mismanagement and incompetence by FFG governments.

How are they getting on with the world’s most expensive children’s hospital btw?

This is the thing. There’s a huge swathe of the professional middle classes who effectively run the country who absolutely love getting paid their usual wage to do significantly less work from home.
If everyone had skin in the game, they wouldn’t be long coming out from under the bed. They have their price. I bet it isn’t much either.


Inter county shouldn’t be played at all. The focus should always have been on clubs to play first when it’s safe with the right protocols in place.

You’ve trotted this line out a pile of times.

People need some release mate. Club games last few months kept me going. Inter county games will do the same. Long winter there.


You selfish bastard. So your happy to see people’s livelihoods go up in smoke so you can watch a game on tv?

Youths congregating with each other without social distancing, no disciplining of those who flout the rules.

Whose livelihoods went up in smoke over a gaa game?

Sanjay in Pakistan, he was flaking out sliotars.


You are the most repetitive and boring cunt on here. On the rare time I stop by here I find every thread is ruined by your idiocy. Do something constructive with your life and stop being such an albatross.

It’s no wonder the country is fucked. The Irish are incredibly selfish. Can’t put people business’s and ability to put food on the table ahead of their past times.

Cabinet meeting confirmed for today.

I’m glad of the leak. At least you can start preparing for the lockdown (round of golf and a few pints)

If there was no leak we’d have heard no more until we were told from midnight tonight we’re in level 5

Very unfair to leak on a Sunday evening though. Creates a lot of fear and hysteria.

I can’t see them going to level 5. I think they’ve asked for level five so they’ll get level three, which in itself is a disgrace

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Getting my cut at the weekend was a great decision by me.

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I’ll get a haircut today too just in case.

Hope all ok

I’m going to hold my tongue until I see NPHET’s report on this. Once we see the stated objectives along with very detailed reasoning and scientific evidence for their decision making then we can decide if they are right or not.

Unless of course they are just telling the government to close the country down for the winter based on a hunch. Because that would be fucking insanity and they of course should be told to fuck off and start doing their jobs properly.