Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

We riot

You’ve a very one sided view on this, I agree that peoples livelihoods are fucked, but blaming the gaa and public in general is unfair. We all should be angry, at the hse and ffg for wasting the last 6 months and not preparing. You deserve to be passed off but direct it in the right channels and not let us get divided by having a go at each other. The gaa of last few weeks may have saved some people from dark places too, you yourself have struggled here

Club games contribute enormously to the economy. I paid the Limerick County Board €8 of my hard earned money to watch, at best, 20 minutes of the Intermediate club final

which ones? the smell and taste? Hope all is ok dude

You are deflecting, you were talking up the brilliance of the NHS up there. Apparently it will be overran.

In terms of mitigation, it appears they are failing and badly. SF like all other parties deserve criticism for that. You refuse to countenance it though. Excuses.

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The NPHET letters are never detailed.

if it turns out they’re politicking they should be disbanded. They are supposed to advise based on their expert opinion.

I think they genuinely want level 5.

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I think thats what he was getting at.

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Ahhhhhhh fair

Taste and the cough, I’m trying to do some work from home, planning etc but I’m really bored, it’s weird being home on a day like this, out with the small dog now

The government have laid their cards on the table.

You don’t want more restrictions.

So what do you do? You adhere to the guidelines in place.

If you don’t play ball with the guidelines then you can’t be complaining when they implement new restrictions.

If you believe the whole thing is horse shit then bin the mask and make a stand outside the dail.

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Varadkar retweeted this a short while ago.

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Leo is ready to go to war for his people.

In what way?

You’re trying to parrot me now.

All you have done is deflect. Cases in the north are currently six times the height they are in the south per capita yet the south is now set to go into full lockdown as they are absolutely shitting it at the prospect of their health service not being able to cope.

You have been defending the gov record of running down their shambolic health service on here in the past so have little other option but to deflect when it rears its ugly head once again. The Free State gov and top medical professionals are scared of their lives about the ability of their health service to cope.

It’s a problem created by decades of FFG mismanagement, neglect, incompetence and doffing their hat to the private sector and wealthy business interests and there’s no defending the indefensible. This is a problem 30 years in the making.

Mayo 4 Sam.

We were all grand on level two last Thursday. Not much point in having levels if we are going to just skip them all.

don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with the recommendation in any way shape or form.

Madness to lock down the whole country when more than half of it is doing grand. This road map has been some waste of time

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