Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Itā€™s nuts - I feel sorry for you lads that have a life ā€¦


The cases keep rising in Dublin so it means level 3 is not fit for purpose and utterly pointless.

How many have they added in the 6 months?

This will keep my missus working from home for the foreseeable future. NPHET have NOT thought this through

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At least we can get the running back on track.

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Looking forward to the hill challenge again @caulifloweredneanderthal

The North expect their health service to be overran, those are the facts. The Northern government have also failed to control the virus, again a fact.

I love this ā€œrun down the health serviceā€. When was the health service ever great? Isnā€™t your argument that Ireland should have been free from Britain as they didnā€™t run the country properly and then ā€œFFGā€ ran it badly. So when was it ever good? During the Brits time?

We are back up to 812 max for the winter if needed.

Iā€™ll breaking 1000 metres if ye cunts run 300

The carry on from NPHET last night was a disgrace and they have seriously shot themselves in the foot I feel. Are NPHET basically are HSE heads? They are trying to punish the entire country for their own failings.

If Martin and Donnelly arenā€™t calling in Paul Reid et all today to explain themselves itā€™s all equal. Even going by Paul Reids tweet this morning he knows they fucked up.


Social disobedience on a large scale is needed but I donā€™t see it happening. The Irish have a Stockholm syndrome now.

You have seen the reaction to any protest against restrictions so far yet massive support for BLM. Reasonable thinking is gone out the window


You keep talking about the north, right out of the narcissistā€™s playbook

This debate is referenced around the Free State gov going back to a full lockdown as they are absolutely petrified of the ability of their health service to cope with a rise in cases.

This is a FFG created problem.

When was it ever good? Well seeing as FFG have ran the state since its inception isnā€™t that your answer?

Did you go to Cheltenham this year?


Well either shut up and suck it up or else get Outside and make a stand.

Moaning and complaining will get you nowhere.


jesus paL you put him down there like a horse with a broken leg

You know what ā€œrun into the groundā€ means donā€™t you?

You have made quite a clear statement here.

Did FFG actually bring the standard of the health service up from the 1920s then and just let it go in the last thirty? Youā€™ve said it was total mismanagement since the start so it seems youā€™re a bit confused.

When lads are clutching to chelteham they remind me of McWanker on prime time last week. Beaten dockets.

Itā€™s very simple. Adhere to the guidelines and no new restrictions. Donā€™t adhere and we get new restrictions. You can moan all you like.

The Free State became a very rich country in the past 30 years and when they did they ran down the health service in terms of their investment.

Itā€™s quite simple but I wouldnā€™t expect an indoctrinated blueshirt to have the will to try and understand.

100 years to sort out a health system and itā€™s still chaotic, talk about utter incompetence.

It was actually less humane than that.

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None of the levels are fit for purpose.

You either try to get to Zero like New Zealand (With an open border with NI, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE), or you accept this virus will run through the population. Anything in between is completely pointless.

It has to be all duck or no dinner.