Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Of course he did. Lost his bollox

Then lads should take to the streets to protest but instead the selfish Irish just look after their own interests. They donā€™t think anybody else.

People donā€™t care about the restrictions as long they donā€™t effect them.

The issue is the restrictions ---- itā€™s a zero covid approach / mentality from nphet which is not achievable ā€¦ the country cant keep doing the hokey pokey until a vaccine is foundā€¦ there needs to be a new set of guidelines. People over 65 need to act completely different to the rest of us and we need to keep our distance.

98% of people have little to no symptoms. The median age of death is 84 ā€¦ yes they need to be protected but opening and closing to open and close again is achieving fuck all.


We need a leader. Someone like Martin Feeley or Michael McDowell.

At the moment the people marching are 5G /Anti Vaccine conspiracy theorists like GOā€™D. Lunatics basically.


Not true. I actually made a fair few quid the first day from a number of posters selections on here and made a donation to the Irish cancer fund on behalf of the forum.


No no, answer the question.

You claimed that they mismanaged since the inception. So when was the health service good? When the Brits were here?

And who were the Governments that oversaw Ireland become a rich State?

In terms of the indoctrinated stuff, letā€™s stop lying. Read my posts here where I have been criticising the Government daily for months.

You just arenā€™t a very smart individual.

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Mice you are correct but the government have laid it out on a plate what will happen.

If you disagree with the policy you need to make sure you are heard instead lads were happy with two pints sitting on their own in a pub watching a stream of a club game across the road.

Exactly. People need to shield if older or vulnerable and take personal responsibility and limit their social circle.

I still have to restrict my movements for another week after my negative test. Kids off school and away from their friends and sport for another week. Itā€™s a pain in the hole but we have to do it.

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Says the fella squealing about racing and pubs for months.


The same government that oversaw the rich state being foisted off with a huge national debt imposed upon its citizens, a housing crisis, a health service not fit for purpose, a culture of political corruption, beholden to large MNCs, a police force mired in controversy and so.

The Free State is a failed statelet whatever way you look at it and itā€™s thanks to FFG.

Iā€™ve already been onto my local TD via Whatsapp ā€¦ The gov were happy to defer to Nphet in the early days as we unfortunately were nearing the end of one government and they were only looking to score political points ā€”more recently weā€™ve had to stand back from NPHET as the realization of much wider societal problems finally sank in ā€¦ we now have nphet having their hands slapped by gov who are looking to slap back themselvesā€¦ it has all become politicized and as ever, the ordinary person suffers.

Most people will follow guidelines if thereā€™s a logical path to follow ā€¦ weā€™ve reached a cross roads here and while youā€™re not wrong about people being selfish ā€” when the information is conflicting and counter productive people will ultimately switch off.

nphet have lost the dressing room - which is a shame as they are obviously needed - theyā€™ve just dug in with their mentality and refuse to adapt their thinking since March - when we have far more info at our hands now.


Thursday: no recommendation for the whole country to move to level 3

Sunday: entire country must move to level 5

Iā€™m getting images of a Michael Stone esque character appearing at the next nphet meeting ā€¦

As a speaker?

Fair play mouse.

Stick to an argument.

You claimed the health service was run into the ground. When was it better? When the Brits ran Ireland?

I said it was not fit for purpose.

It was ran into the ground when the gov started hawking it off to their billionaire overlords so they could profiteer from it.

Once again digging your heels in defending the state of the health service in the free state exposes you for the indoctrinated blueshirt you are.

A not fit for purpose health service brought to you by decades and decades of FFG incompetence, mismanagement and corruption.

The frame of the debate is you defending the health service in the free state when the gov and medical professionals no it canā€™t cope.

No you said it was run into the ground. That claims there was a standard before.

And FYI, there were as many, if not more private interests involved in healthcare 30 years ago. Your continued factual inaccuracies are very worrying for an aspiring Irishman, you really need those history classes.

Kieran Cunningham and Colm Parkinson having a spat on twitter.

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