Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Just imagine the reaction when they put Dublin into phase 3. The Govt categorically went against NPHET on a few things today in an apparant show of strength. They look weaker now than ever and appear goosed no matter what they do mostly because their primary concern is ball hopping each other than anything to do with Public Health or the economy.

Paddy Mallon talks a lot of sense

Yes, just in time for the 6.1 news we heard he might have Covid but he was OK again by the time the 9 O’Clock news was finished.

It’s great to live in a Republic.

Alan Kelly on here now criticising the communication. Which was handled by his brothers company Teneo :smiley:


Fuck Tipp


Tremendous by AK to put the country ahead of family bias

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What a gormless un-witty fuckwit. I’d just love to mow the top of the cunt’s head off with a chainsaw.

That’s actually funny

Ok, firstly, parody account.

Secondly, still not funny

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Its a parody account commentimg simple simions tweets. Im getting s kick out of peoples replys


There are FIVE levels and FOUR Ws. Remember that and you wont go too far wrong

What do you think of this Chinese whistleblower Dr Li Meng Yan claiming the virus was created in a lab by the Chinese government @Tierneevin1979?

Mainstream media not really covering it.

I’m not at all surprised, I thought all along that it was a remarkable coincidence that there was a lab in Wuhan which just happened to be studying cornonaviruses.

Her study was funded by a group funded by Steve Bannon who’ve never before funded a study and scientists have widely dismissed it as nonsense. She hasn’t even released the paper yet. So a bit premature on all sides.

She’s being described as a “Chinese whistleblower” as if she was working in the lab or something. She was actually working in a HK university who had nothing to do with the lab, so she doesn’t have an inside scoop on that.

However she does seem to have been involved early on in investigating the pandemic. She said the Chinese government, the WHO and the higher ups in the study suppressed information about when they first knew of covid and when they first knew it could transmit from human to human. This seems not just plausible, but likely imo.

The first part is not being covered by mainstream media as it is not yet in anyway credible. The second part was covered by the media when she originally blew the whistle back in April, but was lost/buried in the avalanche of news.


The Chinese would never cover anything up, dont be silly

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I’m beginning to think the Chinese aren’t the great bunch of lads we thought they were


The most ignorant shower I ever encountered, and I went to school in Tipp Town