Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

That seems to be the big issue - a lack of ICU beds. Maybe increasing the capacity there over the last six months would have been a good idea, probably much cheaper than another lockdown and all the extra unemployment payments.

Woah, woah, woah.

You wouldn’t actually expect FFG to do something constructive with regard to the health service, would you?

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Is this Level 3 as per the 5 step thing they published or Level 3 like Dublin with the pubs closed?

I think its about 2 million per bed

How is travel really banned?

Peanuts compared to the overall cost so far.

They aren’t mutually exclusive expenses.

Savage insult to the hospitality sector. I’m assuming this is the end of the stay and spend scheme?

How in the name of Christ can anyone run a business like this?


It was 10 per 100k at the height of Covid.

And that didn’t include the additional 312 beds (which would add 6.24).

It’s not

My Mrs called this a few weeks back.

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Health service is just a black hole in terms of funding. You see with the Childrens hospital and its clear that allocation of resources and value for money are alien terms for these guys. Pensions and salary top ups are something they’d know all about though. The public system seems to be cuffed by the use of infrastructure for private use and practice. Probably disproportionately so.

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Yeah thinking of heading away for a few days myself.

518 new cases

Will Govt blink and bow to the NPHET recommendations

No pleasing some people

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A bank holiday?

Just don’t see how viable it will be for hotels to remain open?

That they’d time level 3/4 to coincide with the bank holiday

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I was in the kinsale hotel on Saturday for a bite to eat. Got chatting to the fella at the desk and he was saying since Dublin went into level 3 they have basically been empty.

Shrewd woman, in some regards