Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I donā€™t think they can down the country alright.

Level 3 has probably been a bit of a boon for Dublin hotels who were suffering massively though, suddenly that was the only place you could ā€œgo outā€.

She isnā€™t. Sure she married me :rofl:


Limerick riddled

Of the cases notified today:

252 are men / 266 are women
68% are under 45 years of age
30% are confirmed to be associated with outbreaks or are close contacts of a confirmed case
78 cases have been identified as community transmission
134 were identified in Dublin, 53 in Cork, 49 in Limerick, 34 in Donegal, 32 in Meath and the remaining 216 cases are spread across 20 counties

Is that the intercounty torpedoed?

Elite sport is still allowed which I believe covers intercounty

They should conclude the leagues and leave it at that.

Very harsh on Irish soccer and rugby could they not have phrased it a bit more gently

Is there a risk from games behind closed doors?

He didnā€™t go over cervical check. Hell hardly walk for this


It is just farcical, nothing to stop whole squads going down with it. Professional sports team pretty much operate in bubbles. Intercounty players may have to mix at work etc.

Look at Genoa in Serie A, 19 players have tested positive since their last game with Napoli. Had to postpone their game this weekend, a few days later a couple of Napoli players tested positive and they were told not to travel to Juve.

Whatever hope you have in a pro game, whatā€™s the point with this.

Start the 2021 season next March/April.

Weā€™re going to be in the exact same piece with the virus in March of next year.

What do we do? Just give up?

We donā€™t know that.

Thanks to science being an idiot, we donā€™t know anything.

Was in Kerry last week at a resort. Place was full.

I canā€™t say where they were all from but Iā€™d guess maybe 25% from Dublin area.

You could see people were keeping to themselves and wearing masks in the hotel itself.

Science havenā€™t a fucking clue.

Unless we get to herd immunity by then (which we wonā€™t unless we OIUTF), weā€™ll be in the same place as we are.


Maynooth was full of Dubs the last two weekends from what I hear.

Ah ffsā€¦ Thatā€™s been obvious from the off kid.

Yeah we wore masks everywhere except when we actually sat down and there was full compliance. There was a temperature scanner on entrance

I have absolutely no idea what on earth are the current guidelines or laws in either the UK or Ireland.
Iā€™ll take my chances.
My perfectly well daughter is not allowed out of the house for two weeks. She is 12, and has so far spent three days completely alone.
Tomorrow she will be alone from 7am til 5.30pm when her brother gets home. Iā€™ll get home about half eight, and her mother about half ten.
It is utterly fucking ridiculous. Itā€™d be laughable if it was in any way funny.


The problem with science is it has become politicised and monopolized. Left says one thing, big business says another. The right claims one thing , big business says another.

For all the stick heā€™s taken, Stephen Donnelly is the man thatā€™s put NPHET in its place. Well done Minister. Heā€™s a good egg.