Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They’re all too busy building their media profiles instead of finding a solution.

The problem is young people… 15-30 group. They are increasingly in groups, houses and makeshift smoking and drinking shelters… They then go home/school/ college/work.

How do we ask young people to stop being young when 1%are getting sick?


MicheĂĄl will address the nation at 9pm tonight

What has he said?

I will be in the pub

No sign of Temp scanners anywhere tbh.

Plenty of sanitizer points & reminders of social distancing. I think to be fair those travelling are aware of their surroundings and acting responsibly.

The main problem seems to be people get lax at home and get very lax with who they let enter their homes.

That’s the bastard point of this pandemic, symptoms don’t show and people call it a cod. ( to be fair when deaths are low it’s hard to have a fear )

I believe we must plough on & live with the virus. That doesn’t mean it should be left to spread freely.

The Gov needs serious questioning about their ICU ratio currently considering they’ve had since Feb to be increasing it. The costs would be a pittance to the damage being done in society.

Those with symptoms also need to cop the fuck on and isolate until they are given an all clear no matter how long it takes.

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Fucks sake

And could you cop the fuck on and stop telling everybody else to cop the fuck on.

We can’t.

It’s called personal responsibility.

People will go through phases of being fatigued with the restrictions. It’s only natural and understandable. Fellas who have no patience and are constantly outraged are going to be in for an awfully long winter I’m afraid

Cop on, this serious.

Sure that’s effectively closing them.

How it feasible to keep some pubs open for 15 people outdoors in winter weather?


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Presumably the time restrictions apply if there is no way to facilitate 2m distancing in the outdoor area of the wet pubs?

Only outdoor dining in restaurants will kill them as well


I’m off for a walk. Today and yesterday was the first time ive dipped the toe back in the corona pool and it hasn’t been good for the head space

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What’s the transmission risk if its training and games outdoors though? No greater than going to their local supervalu for half an hour I think. Now indoor meetings, buses to he’s etc would have to be stopped.

Leo is on Claire Byrne tonight. Hopefully with a video of him throwing Tony under the bus

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