Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Serious discount.

Careful though I explored the idea of getting a still going before. Lots of horror stories

That’s grand but is it really worth all that hassle?

@Fagan_ODowd could guide you through it

Yeah. The group as it is currently constituted can no longer be considered for for purpose.

Can gyms and fitness classes stay open lads?

No classes.

Its about personalities now first, public health a distant second

Is there a review of holohan and cervical check anywhere? You’re good for these recaps.

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What’s the extra Bank Holiday for?
Govt trying to buy off Paddy with a day off, from the jobs that won’t exist then


That’s the Italians for you. Your average gaa cleaner would have a much higher standard of personal hygiene.


They must be fairly scrambling around in Government HQ that they haven’t come out with a plan yet

Probably egghead donnelly is his source, sure he received a text from him live on air one night and read it out, that’s how close our politicians are to the media.

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An extra bank holiday. For the love of God. How do we get the IMF to step back in here.


Player. How did that happen. Fuck it anyway.

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Was apparently carnage in Smyths today :joy: some nation of apes


What good is a bank holiday : can’t go to sport , can’t have a decent drink , no rock’n’roll .