Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Today I visited Auschwitz-Birkeneu. It was an extremely profound experience and impacted me greatly. I know that I will be thinking about it for a very long time to come, perhaps for years.

There is a point in the tour in Auschwitz-I where youā€™ve spent a long time outside viewing the buildings but then they take you inside for the first time to show you some of the objects taken from the murdered victims if the camp. The first object that they show you is a roll of textiles made from human hair. The nazis sold this material commercially. The price was 1 mark per 2kg. Perhaps there are still buildings in Germany with human hair providing insulation beneath the carpets. Or in German attics there might still be sacks of old trinkets and the sacks are made from Jewish hair.

I turned around from staring at this material and saw in the distance a nightmare, barely visible through the gloom. As I approached my worst fears were confirmed. It was a massive rotting heap of female ponytails, almost as tall as myself. These were the ponytails that were taken from the young ladies who arrived and were immediately sent to the gas chambers. That image will always stay with me.

We moved on to Auschwitz-II Birkenau which is much bigger and is where the great majority of the killing occurred. It is an absolutely massive site, over 1 km2. It is full of the ruins of dormitory huts which run in a perfect regular grid as far as the eye can see. There was something very unnerving of how they were all perfectly aligned. It was so civilised and organised and yet so sinister and evil.

I stood on the remains of the train platform, where it was decided who from the arriving prisoners would be gassed immediately and who would be kept alive to work for a few months. Those people were also intended to die after a few months. There were about 90,000 prisoners in Auschwitz-II at any point. They vastly, vastly out numbered the guards but they had no chance of escape.

An howlinggust of wind wind blew through the ruins and across the grey site. It was then, standing on the ruins of that railway platform, looking at the awesome, sprawling, organised power of the state that I decided that everyone should have a revolver, locked inside an iron box in their house. That was the law in Ireland long ago after independence and it should be the law in Ireland again. Guns are dirty, nasty, ugly little things but we have grown lazy and decadent if we canā€™t see how it is necessary for the populace to be able to defend themselves against their government if necessary. We have lived a blessed existence that we have never needed to defend ourselves against our government before but thereā€™s no way of guaranteeing that this blessed existence will continue forever. Gun enthusiasts are complete idiots, awful people, but ultimately the power of the government is just too great for the public to allow it a complete monopoly on violence. The laws on gun ownership in Ireland should be returned to the situation in my grandparentsā€™ time, when the country was safer.

Like I said, it will take some time for me to draw conclusions about what Iā€™ve seen today, if indeed I ever do. Perhaps I will stop using the phrase ā€œhealth fascismā€ or perhaps Iā€™ll decide that it needs to be used more often. I dont know.

But I know this: defend your freedoms at all cost. Give away nothing willingly. Fight tooth and nail for every inch that you have. Support the underdog - the black, the gay, the trans, the northerner, the prod, the corkonian. Glorify the individual. And resist NPHET. Resist these restrictions.


I came to a similar conclusion when daughter number 3 was born mate.


The minister ignored Dr Holohanā€™s advice and announced a review that day.

Harris gets some amount of stick on here especially but heā€™s not the worst of them.

Did you not hear? Toy stores are only getting one more delivery before Christmas, youā€™d be mad not to be panic buying.


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On reflection, could this be a good thing? The advisors wanted level 5 but the government have weighed it up and gone a less draconian route. Isnt this the level of public discourse we wanted? Obviously leaking level 5 was a shambles, late on a Sunday.

Maybe they are getting closer to some form of balance.

I think they need to disband NPHET. Their recommendations make no sense any more. We arenā€™t following them, so we donā€™t trust them. They are leaking their recommendations before the government even gets them, which is seriously bad business and divisive. What are they there for? Theyā€™re actually undermining efforts at this stage and ruining any semblance of unity thatā€™s left.


NPHET have lost the Govt and the publics trust

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Simon Harris should do the right thing and make a message to the children of ireland on twitter and explain there will be no santa this year. As santa has to go into every house in the world, he will pick up covid and spread it to everyone then die on a ventilator.


Did you come with that yourself

I am simon harris sham

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One of the few times Iā€™m glad I have teenagers just looking for money

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Absolutely, last nights kite flying by Nphet was absolutely disgraceful.

Saying that I donā€™t agree with the government moving all counties to level 3 either, thereā€™s very few cases in a number of counties and they should be left were they are in my opinion.

That or coke

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Fine post.

@backinatracksuit I hope all goes well.

As for drinking outside the pub in Rosfommon in January, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Overall Iā€™m glad this has happened and Iā€™m sorry itā€™s not level 5. Hopefully it might push the country into complete anarchy. Thats our only hope.

Thanks mate, I feel guilty now for taking one look at a big long post that you had up there a while ago and deciding thereā€™s no way it would be worth it, Iā€™m tempted to scroll back


Iā€™m just back from my second Covid test in a dark hospital car park. The first one was grand. This time they went looking for the virus good and proper rooting around like a Muldoon in his jacket pocket for a tenner.

I had to compose myself for the drive home. Iā€™m not sure if the tears were a reaction to the nasal swab up
To my eye socket or the throat swab down my windpipe or at what we have become as a society.


+1. If you read all Harrisā€™ tweets aloud in a Bosco type voice then he actually becomes quite an enjoyable fellow to follow.


We are falling apart here. This virus has shown up how divided society is. We now have a cohort happy to work at home and be ā€œlocked downā€ so long as the poor fuckers who serve their food in Tesco, collect their bins, make their electricity, deliver their Chinese all suck it up and go to work, or be happy with some handout from the government while the business theyā€™ve built all their lives goes down the tube if they cant.

And then the WFH crew will tell ya that THEY are the ones making the sacrifice.


Covid is not the crisis.

The health system is the crisis.