Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

From the Irish Times.

  • There was confusion about what the restrictions actually entail. Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly had said residents in Dublin ā€œabsolutely canā€ travel outside the county.

  • However, Taoiseach MicheĆ”l Martin later clarified the advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) was that while people were being encouraged not to travel outside Dublin, but there was no regulation attached to it.

  • ā€œI am encouraging people not to travel, if at all possible,ā€ Mr Martin told RTƉ.

  • TĆ”naiste Leo Varadkar was more emphatic last night, telling RTƉā€™s PrimeTime that the Government was ā€œstrongly discouraging people from travelling outside of Dublin city or county unless itā€™s necessary.

  • ā€œThat might be for work reasons. It might be to care for somebody. . . It really wouldnā€™t be to take a weekend awayā€.

Lock Dublin DOWN.

GTFO Leo, Iā€™m off to Wexford

Tubridy tells us this morning the virus wonā€™t know itā€™s Christmas and heā€™s not our friend apparently :joy:

If Dublin is going to move to Level 3 next week ( Pascal Donohoe was on the wireless this morning saying its a real possibility )

Theyā€™d want to sort these elements of the roadmap fairly quick.

Varadkarā€™s contribution prompted my CLP to express doubts about our Wexford jaunt next week after weā€™d earlier established that there was no movement restriction in either level 2 or 3 in the department issued document. You could accept a given level having a couple of very specific exceptions, but this is just a shitshow. Look at the difference in messaging from Donnelly to Martin to Varadkar as the day progressed. Itā€™s wishy washy and leads to confusion. Why didnā€™t they simply put Dublin into a level with clearly defined parameters? If they donā€™t want people in Dublin to travel at the moment, put the county in a level with a ā€œno travelā€ parameter. Instead they come out with this guff and then tell us itā€™s our problem weā€™ve issues with it. Really stupid stuff.

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Unless there are Garda checkpoints Iā€™m ploughing on regardless, even if Iā€™ve to avoid the N11


Tubs was full on director of communications for the Government this morning. The Government isnā€™t the enemy the virus is the enemy.

Just be ready to roar abuse at a muldoon Garda.

ā€œI can go to Germany but youā€™re trying to stop me going to Gorey. Go away to fuck.ā€

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Stay at home. Do your bit. The two weeks will fly by.

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If Dublin is LOCKED DOWN it now seems people are LOCKED OUT.

Muldoons will have to fly out through one of their regional airports.

Where did you see 2 weeks?

The gov are like a hyperactive kid for the last couple of months continuously tweaking rules (or ā€œstrong adviceā€ whatever that is), announcing them and then changing them on the fly.

Like, what will be in any way meaningfully different on Thurs vs Tues that will require further changes to rules?

Realistically, how could anyone anywhere plan any kind of trip or other event at the moment with this kind of fuckwittery and contradictory tinkering?

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I contributed to the Midlands economy during LOKdown by having a snack box at the Obama plaza. Iā€™ve done my bit for solidarity

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The Guards cannot stop you mate. Itā€™s advice not a law

Well that was a new piece thrown in by Pascal this morning off the cuff in an interview. Was that his personal advice in the spur of the moment, or the gov advice (which was omitted from the press conference yesterday and most of the documentation) or is it NPHET telling him what to do?

Itā€™s fairly embarrassing at this stage

Cancel the fucking toy show so.


I think its only fair that seeing as Laois did 2 weeks, so too should Dublin. Although if you like perhaps they could do the 3-4 weeks like Kildare.

You Limerick yokel :smile:

I am sure there will be a travel corridor agreed up the M50