Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Itā€™s a cluster fuck.

The Dubs are getting itchyā€¦

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They donā€™t like it up 'em

Itā€™s going to be tremendous fun



@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is going to be furious with your cager centered approach to travel

I thought the spirit of the blitz would emerge, but it doesnt seem likely.

I donā€™t think that either of us would be considered by other respected TFK posters as anti-establishment revolutionaries.

Yesterday though was a complete shambles.


No unifying vision or rationale.

A government of carpenters building a house without an architect.

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Iā€™m a higher class of Limerick yokel when it comes to the snackbox. I donā€™t contaminate it with coleslaw, as is the custom.

You uneducated oaf.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch the penny finally drop for lifelong FFG supporters. Yes lads. They really are that self-serving and incompetent.


You boys crack as soon as it comes to your own doors. Dublin need to follow the process.

We need a single party government. Democracy is decadent.

In an act of civil disobedience I am going to have people from 2 different households over to my house tonight. Thatā€™ll learn the cunts

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Could they not just drive their homes closer to yours?


Someone wan from Transport was rolled out on Newstalk with Pat Kenny this morning (missed who it was) and got the softest sop of an interview that ever did sop. Kenny was practically guiding her through it, and still when the question of should people travel abroad to greenlist countries was asked she tied herself in knots. A question she was obviously going to be asked and still couldnā€™t come up with a coherent response.
Basically it was left with, you could travel abroad IF you wanted, but you need to take personal responsibility and also we need to save the airlines.
Kenny didnā€™t even push back a little and it was left at that.

Absolutely ridiculous all round

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Fwiw, itā€™s no less confusing on the mainland.

The problem is the restrictions are ridiculous and contradictory, so itā€™s not possible to make a coherent argument for them


Couldnā€™t agree more.

Dublin North West is riddled.

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