Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I think the government had to be strong and robust to justify not following the advice, but youā€™re right, he lost the run of himself and made it personal as well.

The NUMPTY crew should stop concentrating on their media careers and find a fucking vaccine.

How exactly did he make it personal? Leo simply said the cabinet felt there wasnā€™t enough evidence to take on their recommendation.

Mary Lou coming out batting for Dr Tony.

I think lads over egged the stuff last night with
Leo in hindsight.

It would have been impossible to go from 2 to 5 logistically. They didnā€™t put nphet in their box at all. We are going to level 5 just at a slower pace.

Correct. Didnā€™t mention herd immunity or using it as a policy but, as usual, youā€™ve read what you wanted in a post.

Would you dismiss that, in general, areas badly hit by the virus initially, northern Italy, New York, SWEDEN, etc do now seem to be doing better than other places? It stands to reason that the more people infected with a virus, and Ireland has had a lot of cases lately, the more will be immune from it, at least for a period of weeks or months.

I think it would also be fair to say, given that so many people infected have no symptoms whatsoever, there is a real chance that there are a lot more of them out there than have been detected with testing. Having all of those people out there will naturally limit the spread of the virus.

250 admitted patients waiting on beds in Hospitals.

33 ICU beds available in the country.

23 confirmed covid cases in ICU.

Iā€™d say youā€™re going to be a real addition to the forum.

None of them will lose their jobs in the morning with level 5.

he said none of the NPHET team would have to go on the 350 PUP, which was completely unnecessary and vindictive. He wouldnā€™t have to either, would he?

How does that compare to this time last year, Corona aside, I wonder.

Alan Kelly made the same point earlier on actually. He made in the context of them not having to make broad based decisions.

On the 7th of October last year 488 admitted patients were waiting on beds in hospitals.

Not sure Iā€™ll be able to find data on ICU levels but Iā€™ll have a look.

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Youā€™re listing places that have had the worst death rates in the world as examples to follow and then speculating it because they have herd immunity. Despite absolutely no evidence. The real reason is lessons harshly learned and changed behaviour. Why doesnā€™t Madrid have hers immunity? In any case Ireland hasnā€™t had a fraction of as many cases.

Itā€™s hard to put this respectfully, youā€™re talking complete and utter bullshit.

Thereā€™s a third party in our government??

Iā€™m getting very fed up with things. So many plans torn up.

Iā€™m very fortunate in that I happen to have a secure job but fuck me this must be impossible for people trying to run a business, particularly a small one


Alan Kelly is in the opposition. Varadkar is Tanaiste and has to work with NPHET on a national crisis that isnā€™t going anywhere anytime soon.

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Do you think weā€™ll be in level 5 soon?

I was in getting a couple of coffeeā€™s in 12 Tables and they are shutting down as of tomorrow. Shit just got serious.
cc @Thomas_Brady


This is what those nphet cunts dont want to see or hear ā€¦ Peopleā€™s lives being ruined.