Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I seriously hope not. A bit more adherence to the guidelines and hopefully we can pull back the number of cases, incidence and capacity issues.

the GGA are super spreaders

Like your wife




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Yeah but the point was a broad based one from Varadkar. It wasn’t necessarily an attack.

it undermined NPHET. Martin’s speech was stern on the approach without undermining NPHET.

It was an attack mate

Leo is a proper politician. You have to have the bit of a cunt in you.

Nice guys finish last.

AK47 is a power hungry arrogant prick, but works hard and gets shit done.

I think you are misrepresenting what I said it the post and have started saying I advocated them as policies to follow. Aside from Sweden, which I advocated from the start (and am more than happy to defend my point of view on that), I mentioned nothing in the last two posts about policy. I merely stated that having people walking around having already beaten the virus would help stop the spread of it now.

The WHO reckons 10% have been infected. That’s over 22 times the official amount recorded. If we are at that level, it would be 836000 cases in Ireland. Going conservative and halving it as our rate has been relatively low, gives 418000 people in Ireland who’ve had it.

cc @dodgy_keeper

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And there is absolutely no evidence to support that. And we know it’s possible to contract it twice.

You really are talking scutter.

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I don’t think you understand herd immunity. Having people who have “beaten” the virus walking around would have no impact on lessening the virus at such low levels of infection. In your model there at 5% infection (approx) there are still 95% out there who haven’t “beaten” it. Herd immunity estimates are 60% to 70%

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Did anyone clock how Martin kept saying “ketch” last night rather than “catch”?

What a dimwit.


Herd immunity only reaches herd immunity one way.

The problem is the health service, it’s clear as day.

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Back in January pre corona…(we think) …the country really should have been locked down then going by the current narrative…The hospitals were overrun with sick people.

‘The INMO figures for today show that there were 547 patients waiting for a bed this morning, with UHL the worst affected with 63 patients.’


I never mentioned herd immunity.

People who have beaten the virus will be, for a time anyway, immune from it, depending how long the antibodies last for. My post suggested that having them around, will mitigate the spread of the disease, to some extent. I would, personally be of the belief that quite a few more have had it, but that’s neither here nor there.

Mattie McGrath criticising Dr Tony Holohan saying he was like “John Wayne coming back in with the six guns” to shut the place down

We all know it’s way higher than 5% … most people are asymptomatic.

Thats all the confirmation we need. Leo did the right thing. Michael knows.