Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Heā€™s a fairly detestable character

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Heā€™d look grate in a pair of fashon shoos

Hes echoing what a lot of posters have been saying on here about the government

He also calmly called out that bullshit of harping on about sfs record in the North

That TomƔs Ryan chap was so agitated there. His voice became robotic, like it was computer programmed, and his hand movements got all jerky. He seems to be another absolute headbanger.

I actually think the covid payment should be higher. They are literally being forced to stop working for the good of the country. Could everyone on 700 a week or above not pay a 10pc tax to pay for it. Just for short periods while the lockdowns are in place.


An ad there during the Tonight Show reveals that Roryā€™s Stories will be on Ireland AM in the morning to talk about his memoir. :joy::joy::joy:


He got a fairer crack of the whip there than he would have on RTE

Heā€™s gone for gambling addiction as his niche I see


Fuck me, thatā€™s given me a right boost. Iā€™m laughing away here.

He was given a fairer crack of the whip than Jim Oā€™Callaghan was on RTE last night and he still couldnā€™t answer a simple question about what SFā€™s position on what level we should be at is

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Rorys pandemic videos are the equivalent of Siegfried Sassoon or francis ledwidges poetry during WW1


Tomas Ryan comes across like a very nice fella.

Tomas Ryan is a neuroscientist who specialises in memory formation. Why heā€™s ubiquitous on TV and radio discussing a viral pandemic has never been fully explained. Itā€™s like asking a mechanic to take a look at your plumbing.

Heā€™s a good speaker who offers an interesting controversial take and gets lads like you talking and engaged. Itā€™s not rocket science (or epidemiology)

In fairness Iā€™ve only been following epidemiology and immunology since the start of March and Iā€™m an expert in it.


Personally Iā€™d prefer to hear from qualified people in the field. Especially as we do actually have them in Ireland. Prof Moynagh from Maynooth has been on a couple of times but rarely seen overall. Others less qualified are never off the telly or radio.

This has to happen. The government is stopping these people from working and there is a large tranche of people who are financially better off. Equal it up. Iā€™ll happily pay more being in the latter bracket. Iā€™m sure the banana bread brigade are the same. Weā€™re all in this together after all.

why should have to pay more because singers wonā€™t retrain as plasterers?

So you wont have to listen to plasterers singing karaoke when the pubs open up