Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Mate, you need to take a stance & go public ASAP.

Have they not been deployed to the airport to catch those heading off with their PUP payments?

You are acting the bollix here.


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I love that bit, the mail people.

Just for everyone who doesn’t know there are people employed in the public sector whose fulltime job is to sort out the mail and drop it to everyone’s desk. But that’s what our receptionist does in 10 minutes and puts it into cubbyholes for us to collect ourselves I hear you say. How the fuck is that a full time job you ask. Hmmm.

It’s a bleeding government department, not the splish splash show, mate.


do you know how much mail a govt dept gets on a daily basis?

And how much tea we drink. I suppose @Horsebox thinks his receptionist could make all the tea for us too.

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It will spread in secondary schools but not primary schools to the same degree, as I understand. Younger kids are less likely to spread it.

I guess a factor in this is symptoms. An issue with the elderly seemed to be that they didn’t show the usual kinds of symptoms. A younger symptomatic person is likely to get flagged earlier.

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poor ould horsey thinks that his 2 man band operation gets as much mail as a govt dept with over 1000 people working in it.

hed have a fit if he knew that theres maybe 9 or 10 people just answering the phones

Every government department has a high overhead of dealing with FOI requests from cranks with vendettas, particularly in areas like planning and tenders.

Over here there are a good few cases linked to schools but many more in Secondary than in Primary schools. The teenagers socialising more.

Have ye civil servants justifying their jobs again lads? Ye are bad bastards

They were all out on the razz with @Tank last weekend


When myself and @Bandage worked side by side in a high flying Big 4 firm there was a mail room with staff who would bring and collect the post from each department.


And they also operated the IT help desk.


And did the Audits of major national banks



I do. I also know that this number could be greatly reduced if government departments modernised and set up more self service functionality and also just responded in time to the original requests and therefore not subsequently getting a 2nd, 3rd and 4th letter enquiring why the original letter was not responded to.