Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Thatā€™s not for another 2 weeks from Friday. Exponential growth waits for no one.

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Tony will get his lockdown. He has to. Heā€™ll look an awful prick otherwise

Itā€™s Bobby Iā€™d feel for there.

Tony Holohan is a class act.

These people were already infected under level 2, except the Dubs. Level 3 has literally been in place a few hours. No need to panic at all

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The Leo fanboys are looking a bit silly now.

The medical junta will have regained control well before Christmas.

In fact, an emboldened Holohan will cancel Christmas.

Whats the feeling amongst teachers? If country goes into lockdown again surely teachers have some recourse even though I know the majority would prefer to be in the classroom.

They surely wonā€™t stop horse racing again?

I declined a THIRD test today.

Here now getting my two lads their second test. The outdoor test centre is struggling in the rain.

Look on the bright side lads. If its yere turn to host the family Christmas dinner, you wo t have to watch a cunt of a brother in law bring a cheap bottle of wi e and then proceed to drink all your good whisky


Christmas, a time when you get to spend a week at home with the family will be the perfect antidote to 2 months at home with the family.


Be zen

Lads are panicking here. Itā€™s unseemly


They want to stay open. Any teachers I have spoken to do not want to go back to online teaching. Schools are doing their best, regarding sanitizing, hand washing and what not. Canā€™t do anything about distancing. But two weeks would be better than 6 months again. It would be a pain as kids are just getting back into a routine.
I see zoom nearly broke this evening with teachers watching a webinar from Luke Oā€™Neill.


I always have been. Take the test.

Holohan is batting away questions here masterfully. A Tour de France.

Level 3 seems to be working for Dublin so. Good news. Hopefully we will see further decline in Dublin and then the rest of the country should peak in 2 weeks and then start to decline.

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Surely it would be easier and safer in schools if everyone was at level 5? The less people moving about the safer

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The teachers union wonā€™t accept that and rightly so.