Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

It would be safer if we all just locked ourselves into our houses for the rest of our lives

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Thatā€™s the general feeling amongst some teachers. But they are worried the unions will deem it ā€œunsafeā€ if the rest of the country is closed. But the unions are typically out of step with the feeling on the ground.

I suppose you could look at it and say weā€™re at level 5 because itā€™s out of control.
Very hard to get right

The test is the test.

Problem with level 5 is we likely will not be able to borrow at the favourable terms of 0-1% interest from the ECB as we would be the only country in national lockdown in Europe. Social welfare payments would be an extra ā‚¬250M a week with the reinstatement of pandemic supports.

A very difficult and shitty balancing act.

Itā€™s the same as everywhere though, some want to close and some want to stay open. With the government and anyone making the decisions I donā€™t envy them. Despite the hammering we (I include myself in that) give them on here.

Lockdown is inevitable now I feel.
Leo was buying time to get resources ready and probably was caught on the hop on Sunday night.

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Itā€™s tough alright. I met a couple of lads for a swim today around midday and there was a heap of ty kids in the shelters in portmarnock. Apparently each class normally has 30 but now can only have 24 so the extras have to go for a walk. They walked to the beach, sat on their phones and then walked back. Itā€™s a sad day.
My swim was lovely though.


The thing is it isnā€™t a balancing act anymore. Everything they do is ā€œwrongā€

He has the patience of a saint with these fucking ridiculous questions over & over again.

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ROD needs to sort this fella out

When Nolan was looking at stats around deaths he stated that the graph he was using was based on days deaths were notified. Did that not make the September deaths he stated a lot more than actually died that month? Maybe I misheard him. There was definitely several deaths in September announced that were historic.

Also when we come out of hibernation every other country will have moved on to a different stage in their respective roadmaps and inch back towards normality while we are stuck in purgatory waiting for cases to surge again. The WHO have basically said lockdowns do not work. No other country in Europe is pursuing this strategy but we have a strong consensus that it is absolutely necessary. It reminds me of that line in terms of the definition of insanity, repeating same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


At what stage will the whole country have contracted the virus, before next Summer? Iā€™d say plough on ta fuck.


Why? Because he read declining cases numbers when people were shut away at home?

So that people in counties with very low numbers canā€™t point to them and protest that theyā€™re being put into a higher level with absolutely no justification.

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Where did you see that Ryan from the w.h.o said lockdowns dont work.

Iā€™ve seen him say lockdowns on their own arenā€™t a silver bullet. They need to be backed up by contact tracing and isolation. He has never said lockdowns dont work.

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You could also say the levels have proven to be a pile of wank

Horse racing is a disgrace. They should have refused to hold races until they let fans attend properly again.


Agree completely. We should have had a good summer like everywhere else instead of fucking around with 9 euro meals and time limits

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