Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

What’s the point in showing total numbers, the vast majority who have recovered

Is horse racing still going on?!!

How do you figure that?

It was deemed too dangerous to drink a pint outside a wet pub all the way through till 2 weeks ago.

Study after study shows there is little correlation between lockdowns, cases, and deaths.

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No offence but that’s bullshit. There was a definite correlation between lockdown and cases here.

Have they released any details on the 5 poor souls that passed away today?

Like their age range, whether they were male of female, any underlying conditions, whether they were in hospital or ICU?

Were they positively tested or supposed Covid cases,

Think thats important information for the public to get.

I probably missed it to be fair.

Lockdown just delays the inevitable.

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NPHET meeting again tomorrow.

Maybe it does but there is definitely a link between lockdown and fewer cases.

No these are the details that Michael McDowell says they are not giving you because it doesn’t suit their narrative

They are supposed to meet on a Thursday and not go rogue on a Sunday

We need to give this level 3 a couple of weeks.

A full lockdown is unconscionable. If extra ICU capacity is needed go back to private hospitals. Whatever it costs will be cheaper than shutting everything down again.


A bit of transparency on it wouldnt go astray, what do you reckon?

Wasnt aware of McDowell calling that out.

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Michael McDowell should be President


Listen pal, you’re a self confessed drunk driver, it’s difficult to take advice from you on health matters.

What if it costs lives?

I posted the article above. I’ll try to link it for you.

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Cheers mate.

Look what this pandemic has done to you.