Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I don’t have to do anything.

How many are allowed in to attend games in the allsvenskan? It was 50 up to August, I think. Basically behind closed doors. This in the country that is held up as the shining example of OIUTF.

The NFL and EPL are behind closed doors (some exceptions in the NFL) and lads want crowds in the LIT GG for a county final and are absolutely outraged because they can’t go :smiley:

I’m still seeing this bandied about.

500 now I believe and set to rise again in October

Radio one - runners on the streets where numbers are high :man_shrugging:t2:

I believe it’s 50 now and rising to 500 in October.

your boy Tegnell rejected the model of a percentage of capacity as it would put pressure on public transport and bars etc around the stadium.

With regard to the roadmap/plan/guideline.

You put hard numbers such as dates and metrcis on that and it creates expectation. You want to avoid expectation in a situation where no one knows what the fuck it looks like week to week, let alone 6/9/12 months down the line.

It’s an absolute nightmare, but then again they are in the middle of a global crisis and are trying to keep their chin above water, against a tide of public opinion. Cut them some slack



Fair enough. I’m not calling for GGA grounds to be opened though.

I do with if we are to allow 5k, then why not 10k.


What I just said. I’m not giving out about GGA grounds right now.

I did say if we to allow 5k as was mooted days ago, then why not 10k. Delay some parts of the ground exiting at the end and you can cut DARTs demand to 10% of the norm on a match day in the Aviva. That’s where the big pinch point always is. They should work up to it though.


Next two weeks are vital


Crowds of 1,000 permitted at a number of EFL games this coming weekend.

I’d largely go along with @Julio_Geordio’s response. I think there are three aspects to it. Her claims of the CCP suppressing information, lying, and disappearing dissidents are well established and no surprise.

As to her scientific claims, she has a PhD in Virology and has published a few papers so has some credibility. I have seen similar claims before from other sources. Basically there are unusual aspects of the virus genome structure that could arise in nature through something called recombination where viruses from different animal origins combine, or could be genetically altered. I would say her claim that it was man made is speculative. The most likely source imo is that someone got infected in the Wuhan Virology lab with a virus they were studying and carried it out into the population.

The third issue which is the only issue I highlighted really is Twitter suspending her account. Surely the thing to do is allow other scientists weigh in and either rubbish her claims or support them. She is clearly a dissident and anti CCP, but Twitter allow all kinds of rants against western governments, why would they have an issue with criticism of a totalitarian regime?

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272 of these were positive. Approx 2.2%


Her study has been released in the past couple of days right?

I’ve no idea about virology but is her contention on a basic level that these recombinations that would have had to occur, were it a natural virus, would have had to occured over a very long period of time but the hosts (pangolins etc) who carry these recombinations/aspects of the virus have not been shown to have any of the virus elements in that timeframe. Therefore it would point to a man made chimera?


I think it’s something along the lines of if you wanted to manufacture a virus, then this structure is one of a type that could be easily man made. And we still haven’t found a natural source for it.

The summary of the paper has been released but not the underlying science itself AFAIK

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Thanks for slightly repackaging what I just said, that’s cleared it up for me.