Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Every day is a bonus for a fella your age anyway I presume.

Tony won’t rest until he gets his circuit break and can smirk across a hall at Leo.

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Stay safe mouse and I hope the family is well.

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I dont like this new lad Ant on wheeler dealers. I preferred Ed China

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That’s a positive way of looking at it.

Stop the world and let me off as Una Healy’s uncle once said.

Sorry that’s utter bullshit. Fire up the evidence that lockdowns reduced cases. Cases reduced everywhere after March as people had already changed their behavior, socially distancing, hygiene, no large gatherings or events. Cases rose again when younger people by and large decided fuck this social distancing. Lockdowns served one purpose, to improve health care systems to deal with an inevitable second surge. Ireland has utterly failed in that regard.

The only things that actually work to significantly reduce cases are effective testing and mandatory quarantining of those that are positive (Taiwan, South Korea). Improved medical treatment and the average age of those getting infected has resulted in fewer deaths.


You’re making the same mistakes a lot of people are by assuming that deaths will remain constant or manageable. Not many people don’t die when it’s kept to low enough levels. But we’ve seen what happened in places where it got out of control, including here. I don’t understand how people forget those scenes so fast.

In Ireland?

It’s going to be a long night…


The world is going mad

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I don’t think there is anything that the world can throw at you to effect you.

Couple of days ago you were feeling low while pubs were open etc & now you look forward to Level 5.

You are an inspiration.

Throw up your studies there til I have a look at them.

My place is well run, every percaution possible has been taken. I’m happy to stay open. However, my experience is not reflective of alot of teachers across the country.

We’ve been sold a PUP.

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Yes mate

Google lockdowns don’t work. What’s interesting is there were several articles written back in April predicting that lockdowns would not work, and now the data is confirming it.

There is an equation to this.

On one side you have loss of life. On the other your have loss of livelihoods.

And we better pick the correct side. It’s not easy.
But there are many scenarios where loss of life is acceptable if it prevents massive widespread issues across the county. That’s the reality.

Anyone who thinks “1 life is too many” isn’t living in the real world.


Thank God for the face masks.

Google Lockdowns don’t work. What kind of a fucking gobshite answer is that. I presume I’ll get a thousand “studies” from the international equivalent of Gemma and John Waters.