Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

We may as well be level five at this stage. The pubs are closed, restaurants are closed and the Gah is off. We can’t go on holidays and we can’t visit people.
I doubt I can get much more locked down


Yet again, missing the exponential increase in deaths.

There is a balance, it’s a difficult one to strike. I don’t think Ireland has done a good at any point so far.

People blaming the government and NPHET for the health service response are forgetting one key stakeholder - unions, which have stymied attempts at reform ever since the establishment of the HSE amounted to a layer of bureaucracy added to the regional health boards, with no layoffs or attempts to derive economies of scale.

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Is air pollution highly contagious? If I get air pollution is there a chance I’ll be in ICU within 10 days of getting it and putting the people in hospitals trying to help and save people at risk of getting the air pollution?

If air pollution is left out of control will it result in the hospitals getting overrun?

Where is the exponential increase in deaths in say France which has seen a huge surge in cases over the last month?

a right wing economist site?

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Air pollution is just as stoppable as Covid.

You can read the North Korea times for a bit of balance.

and we spend as much if not more trying to make it better.

comparing things that aren’t highly contagious viruses to highly contagious viruses is utterly pointless

Thank you for posting an article from AIER whichpromotes the ideas of individual sovereignty, a limited government, and “a society based on property rights and open markets.”[3] It is critical of socialism and of what it refers to as “coercive government intervention in economic affairs.”

It’s hardly surprising that they’d take this approach, is it?


We can’t even go to Lahinch to sit on the rocks staring into space for an hour on a Sunday.

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You’re welcome, maybe read it and it might open your mind a little.

Wall Street Journal , there’s a surprise

What’s great about the Internet is you can always find a study to back up whatever half baked notion you have


A lad in court today for going fishing 22km from his house. World. Gone. Mad.

I dont know why we need to root around the internet to find evidence that lockdowns dont work. What did we have in this country for the first half of the year? Did it work? Maybe temporarily. But the problem roared back again and we are back at square 1.


An economics professor :rofl:

Sure Donald Luskin who wrote your piece in WSJ is a CIO of an economic firm. What’s your point?

We’ll probably fully lockdown then relax restrictions then go back into lockdown in that cycle for the next 5 years.

Seems to be what the majority of the public want.

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