Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Iā€™m getting the anti-body test next week. If I have them
you can feed on me @Thomas_Brady and @TreatyStones



Was thinking of getting one.

80 euro for one.

Pal of mine has the kits and will do it for free

Rocdoc offering the tests online

How accurate are they?

The failure of Stage 3+ in Dublin is great news. I was worried for a while that it was working but now it looks like we (humanity) are still in the game.

The only hope for human freedom is that Stage 5, when it inevitably arrives, fails as well. It will be incumbent on every poster here to make sure that Stage 5 is a failure.

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Just order them online?

Very accurate but my pal tells me I am unlikely to have them unless I was sick with symptoms and even if I do have them they donā€™t know if they provide lasting protection beyond 3 months or so

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Tony biting back at suggestion leak came from NPHET.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said NPHETā€™s findings and recommendations on Sunday required ā€œearly, serious and confidential discussionā€.

ā€œThat didnā€™t happen,ā€ he said.

ā€œThe content leaked into the media and whoever was responsible for that leak does not share our objective to deal with the disease.ā€

someone in cabinet will not be sleeping easy over the next few days

That is exactly the point I was making and what I said would happen back in April.

Look at the graphs from March, case numbers go up almost vertically.
Most likely it was working its way through the country in Dec, Jan & Feb in a similar fashion to now with a high number of asymptomatic and undiagnosed (because there was no test).

Then the guys all came back from their skiing holidays, testing increased and the number of detected cases exploded.

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So it likely is all a cod unless it gets into nursing homes or the like?

It seems to be rampant at the minute. 1 in 6 who get tested in the O6 have it so when you think about those who are asymptomatic or have symptoms but arenā€™t sent forward for testing it makes you think that this is really as bad as it gets.

Whatever happened in Bergamo and Madrid seems to have been a bit of an anomaly across the world.

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Did you every take a look at the death rates in Bergamo in 2019, 2018 pre covid and the ageing demographic there?

Being an Italian and allā€¦

Anyone with Italian or Spanish blood in their veins is fucked??
Stay safe @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @Thomas_Brady


Iā€™m Umbrian, Iā€™m fine.


Looks like your 52nd will be the day out palā€¦

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That is all true but you either refuse or purposely ignore the fact that people havenā€™t taken heed of recommendations since relaxation of those lockdowns.
People returned to absolute normality. Fair enough if the Virus was eliminated.

But the simple matter of fact is the virus is spread by you & I. I can honestly say Iā€™ve gotten a tad lax of hand washing perhaps but thereafter, masks & social distancing has been taken seriously.

How could we ask younger people to do this? I donā€™t know the answer, if I was 21 would I have the same things to say as above? Doubtful.

I think these 3 factors need to improve,

  • personal behaviour
  • government messaging
  • alcohol sale

Ref Alcohol sales. In the current dilemma I believe now a Publican can enforce some level of standards. They are keen to do so. If they canā€™t police the rules then shut them down.
If we continue to shut down social outlets involving alcohol then driving it into House Party settings is a major major problem.

What is absolutely boiling my piss this evening is the continual raising of Privately run Nursing Homes. It is simply not good enough to ask the greater population to lose so many freedoms whilst these Facilities at the prices they charge, simply canā€™t protect their residents.
They are profitable entities who must provide a safe setting for residents. Test staff regularly, train staff properly in PPE wearing etc and keep residents safe.

Itā€™s amazing how some have faired so well since the start of the pandemic.


Looking that way kid.

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Itā€™s all Varadkar this, has his narcissist and too clever by half finger prints written all over it