Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Lads, you know ye can mute these accounts so they donā€™t appear?

Amateur hour

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Ah they love reading them. They can come on here and give out about them. We all do it

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Thatā€™s 30 deaths out of nearly 9000 cases?

I have about 10 accounts muted and like to guess which it was by the topic and replies

35 deaths and 8809 cases.

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A 0.004 fatality rate

Iā€™m sorry CP, are you saying that in total since the start of September only 35 people have died from/with covid and all of them were over 45?

34 out of 35 were over 45. Still one unknown.

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I was just thinking that if there arenā€™t widespread deaths in these nursing homes that have recently been infected then the last argument for the lockdown dies.

I can imagine Archbishop Holohanā€™s agents sneaking in during the middle of the night and delivering secret lethal injections.

Are they dying from covid or have tested positive
For covid and died?

This was my post on the old locked thread in July:

ā€œIā€™ll tell you whatā€™s irking me. Glynn and the boys ascribing human characteristics to COVID-19. Same as how muldoons do it with the Liam MacCarthy Cup. ā€œLiam MacCarthy thought heā€™d never come home to Clare but heā€™ll see you in Ennis tomorrow nightā€ type stuff. Coronavirus is waiting for people to become complacent apparently. Itā€™s getting ready to pounce when folk have their guard down. Itā€™s a devious virus and it wants to work its way around the community again.

Iā€™m so angry right now.ā€

Now we have Holohan quoted last night saying ā€œthe virus loves alcoholā€.

Iā€™m so angry again right now.


I saw that last night and I couldnā€™t believe a doctor actually said it.

My favourite is ā€œparticipant fatigueā€.

Wouldnā€™t lads need to follow these people in the first for content to be showing up on their feeds?

Has the virus changed its approach I wonder? Becoming more subtle. Almost toying with us. Doing no harm (except killing people in their late 80s and giving that frail ginger lad an excuse to go to hospital) but instead, scaring everyone.

The virus has become a WUM

No, if people you follow ā€˜likeā€™ or retweet stuff it can reappear on your timeline.

Iā€™m a big fan of the mute button, which I also endorse on this site for threads to avoid(cc @myboyblue)

Are you going to quote the full context of that claim?

Ah right. Twitter is wank tbh.

Well they definitely are in the meat plants.

Iā€™m not sure anyone knows that to be honest.

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