Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

When figures relating to deaths in the UK are quoted here now it includes the line “deaths for any reason within 28 days of a positive test”

Twitter should only be used for GAA score updates.

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Since @Tank landed here, the 14 day rate has increased from 48 to 76. I wish he’d fuck off home.

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159 Confirmed cases in Hospital. 17 admissions (Hightest number of daily admissions since May) and 12 discharged in 24 hours.

27 confirmed cases in ICU. 3 Admissions and 1 discharged in past 24 hours.

28 available ICU beds in the country.

248 ICU beds are occupied in the county. (27 of these are confirmed covid cases.)

The virus loves @Tank


This is the telling stat.

A bad winter flu would cause the same strain on our ICU capacity.
And that’s not to down play covid, it’s more to show the tight rope our hospitals walk every winter in terms of ICU capacity.

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Would every country not run such a tightrope, to varying extents?

how many ICU beds were there in March?

Project fear ramping up now with the threat that we could be locked down for Christmas. I don’t know if that is a good thing as it would mean not having to see the inlaws. :slight_smile:

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Oldest report on HSE website is from April 13th.

I arrived home last night. I’m in a dark mood and I hope a poor Irish performance against Slovakia tonight doesn’t send me over the edge.

Krakow is a fantastic place and the Poles are a far better bunch than the Paddies. Maybe in 20 years they’ll be as bad as us but right now Poland is the future.

I will try to avoid making 100 angry repetitive posts today but I want to just say this:

Archbishop Holohan wants to put millions of people under house arrest for the next 3 years to make life easier for the HSE. Because the HSE couldnt prepare properly. The HSE has turned into the biggest threat to human freedom that the Ireland has faced since the country fought the British Empire. I wonder would I rather live in a country with no health service, than live in a where millions of innocent people are put under house arrest to protect the healthy service.

I would also like to say that although my own grandmother died at the age of 94 I loved her very much. I would do a lot for her and we always kept her outside a dirty stinking nursing home. She might have lived a little longer inside a home but she valued her independence and that wasn’t what she wanted so we didn’t force it on her.

I said I would do a lot for her but on reflection I wouldn’t spend three years under house arrest for her. I might donate her my kidney or something but three years of house arrest is much more serious than that. House arrest is a very serious punishment. If I wouldn’t do house arrest for my own grandmother whom I love, I definitely wouldn’t do that for yours.


A Christmas with no visitors and no liquor :joy: can you imagine

I’ll miss the dart tournament down the local for a chance of winning a voucher for a Christmas ham :frowning:

I can see it with no visitors, some might be glad of that but without drink there will be a revolt.

I can. It sounds like my Christmas Eve here every year. Plus carp.

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The Oirish have an awful problem with the drink

Stop carping on about it

The hospitals will be full of poisoning casualties from home brew and distilling and domestic violence victims.