Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The jackeens better get the white vestments ready

RonĂ n Collins was on Morning Ireland yesterday

OMG - What will be today’s figures? – will they be high? Will they be low? - I think we need to focus solely on daily figures and react accordingly every day.


It’s also hard to tell when we actually would have had the first cases because the timeline from the Chinese is obviously nonsense.


We should close businesses people have had for generations cos there was a backlog in getting test results.

We should up end the economy for a heap of false positives.

We should shut down society completely cos McConkey and co, who were bang on about the no of deaths and what would happen Sweden without a lockdown, want us to

So pubs can open tomorrow?

Dr. Gillian, the garsĂșn :man_facepalming:

I think we have this bate lads.

Like Kevin Arnold we will look back at these days with wonder

Cabinet are meeting now it seems so expect an announcement with the roadmap early enough in the day.

Why are we using road maps when it’s all GPS these days.

Typical Micks.

You’re giving them far too much credit.

McDonkey needs to be gagged - he’s a dangerous bastard.


I served with mcconkey ,I know mcconkey , mckonkey is a friend of mine, mouse, you’re no Sam McConkey

Will you have a word with him so and tell him get his act together 
 Didnt he predict 100k deaths in Ireland by April :laughing:

I’m a nice guy.

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No urgency to getting the measures out considering they have a “deadly virus” that’s “out” of “control”

Plenty time yet. Sure the Junior A Quarter Finals aren’t on until the weekend.

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You called him out.