Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

RTÉ getting excited for the sequel already

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McDonkey already predicting a million deaths in Ireland

Calm down, mate.

Calm down.

I’ll let you know when to unleash fury on Twitter.

Every time there’s a cough now for the next decade it’ll be headline news

All these rumours gathering pace amongst influencers and on Facebook etc about busloads of Gardai being sent up to Dublin for the next month to lock us in.

Nobody willing to come out and say it in case they are wrong but it appears very likely now.

About time… If you cunts can’t wash your hands and keep your distance then you deserve a good kicking.

In terns of virus analysis and discussion Professor Luke O Neill has a Hugo MacNeill type rugby pundit presence about him. Whilst MacConkey and Killeen are more of a Joe Brolly or Dunphy type of clickbait pundit , Luke is on a different league with his duclet tones.
Hugo is always introduced to the audience with a reference to his " strong career in business" before he starts to smugly analyse Jordan Lamour’s rugby education and add a few anecdotes from his own days of playing with Trevor Ringland and Phil Orr to his captive audience , each sentence is considered carefully an he speaks with a knowing smug smile at length .
O’Neil is of similar ilk, much similar to that fella from the army who morning Ireland have on as an aviation disaster expect cc @TreatyStones, presenters enjoy placating him about his education background before he then launches into a brief career resume before going off on some tangent that involves name dropping the head of clinicial reseaeah at the university of tokyo and telling us about some article he wrote for an esteemed medical journal

Killeen and Maconkey are half wits and basically should post on here. Killeen’s commentarty comparing school children to stealth bombers in a covid society and Maconkey’s virus fear porn tweets have no class but they do keep the the drum beating for NPHET which is important for “Tony” et al


Did Richard have a stroke halfway through that tweet?



I’d say they’ll announce non Dublin pubs can open but they’re taking a wait and see approach on Dublin.

The problem they have is that cases will probably not go down all that much. How will they ever get them open in Dublin then?

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Sure it’s like when they wouldn’t up the pubs at 20 cases a day as it wasn’t safe, until public opinion forced them to open them now with 200+ cases a day.

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they need a decent burst in cases and deaths, preferably deaths in young people or at least a few good hospitilisations. I know this is statistically impossible but something is needed to keep joe pubic on board here. Good 2/3 week restriction then and like in kildare some data afterwards to prove it was worthwhile - job done

Since the HPSC reports were last updated there have been 3 confirmed deaths.

3 deaths spread across 3 age groups


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Since yesterday is it? As in are they coming in todays numbers?

No the deaths were confirmed over the weekend.

2 Saturday and 1 Sunday.

Ah. I see

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