Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

There is a massive outbreak at Dawn meets in Charleville. Maybe they are cooking the books and including them in Limerick numbers. 25 altogether apparently. 7 positive cases today.


Hopefully NPHET do a Darragh Fitzgibbon and give them to Cork.


Apparently Carrigtwohill is riddled with it

Fuck RTE and their scare mongering. Fuckin joke

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First I heard of it. Been out that way all week

Missus got a text. Two schools tested positive the past week.

Iā€™ll ask around sure, I was in factorys so different folk :joy:

NPHET have already said Dublin should be level 3. The Govt will concede this point by Friday. Why they havenā€™t already begs a lot of questions.
Iā€™d say a lot of Dubs will be caught on the hop by this and have nothing planned for this weekend. Start planning for next weekend NOW when Irelands greatest pubs will be open once again!

Itā€™s not as if FF will lose much more of the vote share in Dublin. 4% in the latest opinion poll


FF will be blamed but theres 2 other parties up to their necks in it

Brian Oā€™Donovan you slaphead gurning cunt cc @Bandage

Those fuckers better not cross the border

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Thereā€™s something immensely dislikeable about that Philip Nolan chap. A real whiff of arrogance and condescension.


Only extremist hippys like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy vote Green

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A right superior prick

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Extremist hippys get 10% off everywhere in Galway

The entire schools?

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How can there be outbreaks when the pubs are closed?