Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

so nolan is a spoofer?

It won’t be approved tomorrow though. A vaccine in the market by this time next year would be good going I’d say

Lads, if you all could take that vaccine, that’d be great, mkay.

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The numbers increasing by this much in a little over a month would suggest so alright.

Who would of thunk it?

Its taken us 7 months to test 1 million people.

You’d hope when a vaccine comes, we’d be a bit quicker at it.

In fairness to him I do think what he said at the press conference is that after the initial spike cases in schools seemed to have leveled off and were not a key driver of the EXPONENTIAL growth in cases that we are seeing the past week.

We only need a few hundred thousand vaccines for the at risk. Then people will snap out of it

Vaccines. :grinning:

You guys don’t actually believe science will figure this one out do you?

It will be Spring 2022 when it burns itself out after making a mug out of the scientists.

Here’s a video of Covid mugging off the scientists.

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Or, we live with it by periodically shitting down to keep the numbers manageable.

Thats a bit gay

Eh, what?


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Ha! The HSE procure enough doses and administer them within six months? Ha!

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What’s the contamination rate like between heteros, homos and asexuals?

he must be livid

He’s lost it.

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Whatever about anything else, not having the resources for Contract Tracing is unforgivable.
It’s ABC stuff that anybody semi competent could do.

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