Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’d say contact tracing is more difficult in Ireland with the amount of lies you’d get told and the amount of times you’d be told flat out to “go and ask me bollox”


I find that hard to believe. Have you anything to back that up?

Don’t buy that.

If I got a call with the info I was a close contact I’d be very keen to find out if I was infected and where I could have passed it along.

You’re a fine upstanding gentleman.

You hang around with a lot of the wrong kind, be more in your line to find gentlemen like @carryharry to be mates with you.

Ask me bollox.

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You had it all. You were a king. And you threw it all away.

I don’t answer calls unless I have the number saved.


Deloitte, which has both accounting and management consultancy arms, charges anything up to ÂŁ2,360 a day for each of its consultants.

i.e. we have no idea what they are charging

Yep I’d say it’s complete bullshit.

It’ll be a range, some will be £250 a day I’d say, which is still scandalous.

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93% false positives? Is that supported by anything. I’m calling that as ludicrous.

No, there is a 1,000 partners from Deloitte in a call center doing contact tracing charging ÂŁ2,000 a day

I doubt this is true. Most but not all people take the health of their loved ones seriously.

Poor resourcing of our Track and Trace system is a fuckingl scandal. Unlike resourcing ICU staff and beds there is little training or equipment required. There is no excuse.

You have my word. But if that’s not enough:

Other handy contracts:

So, Level 3 restrictions are working it is fair to claim.

Real question is, what about Level 3 is working? I don’t believe people in Dublin or Donegal have stopped interacting with neighbours etc.

Is it down to socialising in Bars, Cafes & Restaurants? Have people stopped socialising at home?

Serious question: how long before Geldof is recruited into this?

He will be hired by either the British or Irish government, or probably both, to canvas support against the virus. He will appear on the LLS and say “Look, we can fucking beat this together, just fucking stay at home ok ok? Just wear a mask you cunt!” These lines will gather frantic applause from the tiny audience in the studio and a look of awe from Tubridy, who will be so impressed that Geldof said “fuck”. Geldof’s fee for saying this will not be discussed.


That is insane money. We will probably reintroduce jobbridge for it, if we bother to hire anyone at all.

At least the Tories are sticking by their policies of farming everything out to the private sector for grossly inflated costs in order to privatise more public money.