Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

And I thought Friday was a happy day

I drove through 6 on Wednesday alone.

Crossing county bounds?

It’s insanity what’s happening

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Yes, there was actually a checkpoint outside Abbeyfeale in the middle of nowhere, 2 poor cunts in the lashing rain.

The parents drove through 4 Tuesday. Abbeyfeale and Castleisland, and then on the return again. Waved through once they got to the top on each occasion

Went through 4 in the last 2 days in bangoe. You can tell the guards manning them couldn’t give a fuck and waved everyone on

Same as, also outside Oola

Were you expecting a cavity search?

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The Guards have thrown their hats at it.


Plan a 2 hour school run that normally takes 20 minutes? Get back under the bed and stop embarrassing yourself.


There was an 8 year old kid in a school here today. Poor cratur has heart problems and wears a heart monitor. He collapsed in the middle of the yard. 2 teachers on yard duty rang emergency number, told them what happened and the very first question the emergency operator asked was “has he been tested for Covid”. :roll_eyes: Queue screaming down the phone by the teachers for instructions and an ambulance. Thankfully the kid is ok and in a stable condition.


Do you think they spend the rest of their time chasing robbers over rooftops, being a Garda is an incredibly boring job most of the time, they do as they’re told, I wouldn’t expect a great deal of enthusiasm from a Garda at any checkpoint, were they gung ho about it back in March?

Checking flight records for people claiming PUP, threatening to bring in laws to allow guards enter the home without a warrant, mandatory mask wearing in public indoor settings, restriction in movement between counties wasting gardai time, getting the guards to inspect pubs to ensure no one is locking each other and now fines for not complying to the rules. Its a slippery slope in 2020. Regardless of reasoning for public health this is not acceptable


I know a few lads that are cops and they all say the same thing. Don’t act the bollix and you’ll be grand.

They’re using a common sense approach to the restrictions. They are one of the least aggressive police forces in the EU.


Do you expect them to grill people? Point I’m making is they have told to enforce restrictions they think is BS too. They have better things to be doing

It’s gone way over the top IMO

Relax there Gemma


The guards are under resourced to deal with crime in ireland anyway, the basic member wants to do a good job and look after the community not annoy them with delays. Fair enough of they were doing tax and insurance or dipping for green diseal thats part of the job

I thought they were pretty engaged with it in March/April particularly during the 2km/5km lockdowns when nearly everyone bought into the public health analysis. Different craic now though stopping people for hours going about their business at 8 am on a Wednesday morning in mid October. It’s not like people are going to be flitting off down the country for a days drinking on a dark winter’s morning