Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

RTE back on the R number now. Nice to mix it up a bit. By giving the fearmongering different metrics and numbers (stage 3, R 1.5, 14 day incidence etc) they really keep the cascade of terror going.


We could have a little bit of egg on our faces here on tfk if the hospitals fill up and people start dying in big numbers :blush:

The hospitals fill up every winter

I meant due to covid 19. I suppose there is a small possibility that most of the world’s medical and scientific community COULD be right and we could be wrong.

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The mortality rate in Ireland is extremely low at present. Do you have a hypothesis as to why that may suddenly change from near zero to “big numbers”?

I agree fully with you and batigol. I’m just saying we could be wrong. Id be modest like that

We’ll know soon enough.

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Of course we could be wrong. This “Deadly Virus”, which this MONTH hasn’t killed as many as heart attacks kill in a DAY, could suddenly starting killing people in their thousands. I mean it wont, but it could

Did they stop reporting age of people who died and whether they had underlying conditions? Are people dying with Covid or from Covid?

The regional in Limerick is back to its 70 plus people on trolleys. Same as pre covid. Nothing to see here ffg have done a great job.

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The Mercy in Cork are asking people with minor issues to avoid the A&E due to a surge in patients.

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Minor issues should be directed to GP’s, walk in clinics or a smaller trauma ward not A&Es like in any functioning health service

COVID for 99% of folk outside those incarcerated in nursing homes is a minor issue that might require a few lemsips or calpol
The panic merchants charging in there with sniffles are the reason for this - of course fuelled by hysteria created by the daily “case numbers”

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74,796 tests completed in Week 37 ( Sep 7 to Sep. 13) Highest weekly testing figures to date. 1.60% of tests carried out during that week were positive.

The quotes make Noel out to be a bit thick.

Hes a gas cunt tho, in a way he makes a good point as stupid as he sounds.

With a false positive rate of between 1% and 3%

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Lads the contact tracing team is doing a great job. They have thing well hand. But… bits of this article in the guardian sound fishy.

It says…

“Ireland has about 280 contact tracers, with hundreds more on standby, making more than 1,000 calls daily from centres in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick”

So about 4 calls each a day per tracer! That seems very low. Maybe they are doing shifts so being generous if half are off at any given time that’s 8 calls a day.

Concerning. Not alarming. We need to de dramatise this a little.

Focus on what government can do. Don’t focus on what people can’t do.

Are government ramping up testing, tracing, increased capacity in hospitals.

A dissenting opinion shut down on RTE.

We have 73 patients in hospital and 15 in ICU today with Covid.