Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Harris blaming just about everyone bar the government I see

How many tweets has he put out about higher education, the useless cunt.


The beatings will continue until morale improves

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There’s no likes in that

He really is the lowest of the low


right lets get to the bottom line, when we go to level 5?

Level 5 is a state of mind

The LIUTF have victory in sight here, next few days could well be a blood bath

I thought I had Corona there.
Turns out the curry i made just wasn’t very tasty.
I had to go outside and eat a mint leaf just to check.


how is town hopping? has the crimbo shopping commenced|?

Emergeny meeting tomorrow for Level 4, Level 5 then by the weekend

It only looks busy because it’s all al fresco, no indoor drinking or dining allowed. No explaining this to the mob however


The pubs need to close.

Will probably coincide with the schools midterm break id imagine.

The smart ones already have

I m getting a hair cut tmoro

All pubs need to go. Everywhere*. Forever.

*except in the vast majority of Europe


The big question now is what to do with a problem like THE SCHOOLS!!!

so where is the big surge from folks

no big surge on the staycation summer

schools, colleges and county finals???

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Im really hoping we stay open. Our place is going well. There has been no cases in the year group I look after.

6th years have just started projects/reports that need to be submitted before end of december. Be a disaster if we go remote.