Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You’re out of other options.

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The Swedes don’t wear masks in the main

You couldn’t put those blonde bombshells behind a mask.


That’s it in a nutshell.

We are out of options

This. A FFG made problem.


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But the real problem is the civil service


Who told you?

This is your utopia lads

They refused people over 80 and with a bmi of over 40 access to ICU

And that’s just the men.

Fat lives matter.

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The BMI thing you can understand…over 40 BMI is as good as dead. I’ve no time to read that, but what was their plan for over 80s, home care?


What’s the survival rate of over 80s who contracted? … Didn’t Italy and Spain do the same ?

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They did but it was widely reported. Sweden are keeping everything quiet. They dont release test data because they aren’t really testing enough

2665 cases in the 75-84 age group.
615 deaths in the 75-84 age group. 33.85% of total deaths to date.

2574 cases were aged 85+
813 deaths were aged 85+ 44.67% of total deaths to date.

So 1 in 3 die for 85+

1 in 5 roughly for 75-84

Would that differ wildly from the seasonal flu particularly when many of these have underlying health conditions?

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Cc: @EstebanSexface

That’s fantastic. Hopefully it keeps trending down and we get to level 2