Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

So almost 80% of deathsā€¦ Still, thereā€™s a decent survival rateā€¦ But we all know the focus should be on that age group. Alternative care centres need to be created for either young or oldā€¦ Sending everyone to the mainstream hospitals is stupid.


And do you think ICU would save anyoneā€™s life in those circumstances? Theyā€™d probably lie in ICU for three months on a ventilator and then die, a wonderful use of IUC resources.


Seriously? Thatā€™s bizarre stereotyping right there. You ever been to Sweden? Iā€™m an expert on it cos I was in Norway once.


Well it has done. Also, they never reached capacity and had field hospitals go unused so why would they turn anyone away?

Putting elderly people in ICU is inhumane. Do you know what they have to do when ventilating?

As it is bad for peopleā€™s quality of life.

Are you one of those people who would happily see an elderly relatives ribs broken so you could get a few extra days with them?

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Saving someoneā€™s life is bad for their quality of life?

If you go on a ventilator in late 80s you ainā€™t talking or walking again and unlikely to ever come off it.

When my aul lad was critical during summer we had the no ventilation and no resuscitation conversation. Itā€™s selfish to keep somebody alive who wonā€™t get better just to keep them alive.


Iā€™ve been all over Sweden, my best mate lived in Upsalla for a few years, my wifeā€™s cousin and good pal lived in Landskrona on the south coast, Iā€™ve been to Stockholm a few times as well.
Do you dispute all stereotyping?

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How about early 80s? People have survived. Seems wrong to just write them off when capacity isnā€™t overwhelmed

No @Batigol said Swedes dont wear masks and that got a free pass because it suits

The do not resuscitate conversation is one of the hardest anyone has to have. Leaving the emotions out of weighing up a love one dying and them suffering is tough, the right decision is the hardest. Thankfully your auld lad pulled through. Keeping someone in icu that is beyond saving or back to a decent living is extending cruelty

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I donā€™t think anyone here is claiming the alternative is Utopia, just the lesser of two evils but shur spin away.


Just letting old and fat people die is the lesser of two evils

Good to know

We are all going to die M8.


Iā€™ve been to Stockholm once and I loved it. Whatā€™s the rest of Sweden like?

Of course you have! Brilliant that you took time to pre-consider their hand washing habits in pre-pandemic times. Very prescient indeed.


What are the Swedes like? Give us a full tfk run down on the people and their customs