Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They will be whatever suits his narrative

This happens in many countries, including Ireland. Hence why only 80 people who needed up in ICU in Ireland passed. Out of 1,800 deaths.

It is inhumane. I have seen first hand the impact of drugging up the elderly to keep them going longer. It usually happens when one part of a family cannot accept the fact of life that is death & let go. Sometimes it is junior doctors scared shitlitess. Going on ventilation is the worst of all.

There is a time for people to be let go. In terms of Covid, if someone that age needs ventilation, they need to be let go and get the best palliative care treatment available.


I never said that i did, you decided that it was the only thing worth adressing in my post. I can’t help that.
Are you now suggesting that I’ve never been to Sweden at all and just made the other stuff up? It’s not tmhat unusual for someone to have travelled to Sweden.

My point earlier was made based on a radio interview i heard some weeks back which was with an Irish journalist based in Sweden, I really can’t be bothered with this shit.

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Anything I’ve read said they don’t.

Well they don’t really. The Nordics were slow to it generally. Northern Europeans were very slow to it.

The Swedes do what is asked of them.

Leo is here in the gym. He has no mask on. I’d walk over and call him a murderer but I’ve no mask on either


Some of us will never live.

What is the point you are making here?

Mask sales went way up in Ireland before it was rumoured they’d be mandatory here too. A NPHET member even admitted that they were wrong about people complying in Ireland and it was happening anyway

“In such circumstances, there is no shame in being wrong. I was wrong about willingness to wear masks. Because early guidance was ambiguous and few people initially wore them, I thought there was little chance the Irish public would take to masks voluntarily. Evidence proved me incorrect: the proportion of customers wearing masks in shops increased to a majority well before they were mandatory.”

The facts on masks are that Northern Europeans were slow to them generally.

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Call him a murderer based on how he left a health system hanging on by a tread as health minister, leading to the current situation

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You’re like a child at times with your simplistic outlook on healthcare. A few years ago my mother’s friend was a nurse in Galway, she worked on the hospital all her life there. At 63 she had a brain hemorrhage and was brought into the hospital, they made the decision not to transfer her up to Beaumount where they could have saved her, because she was 63. Tough decisions have to be made in healthcare and they’re done for the greater good rather than the good of the individual.


The point was made that Swedes dont wear masks. It hasn’t been recommended by the swedish government. If its recommended they’ll wear them.

So they don’t until it’s recommended?

Nobody would, very few anyway. I wouldn’t

My grandfather went in with prostate cancer in his late 70s and was touch and go. They kept him alive. He recovered and has had 10+ more hounds primed for a run at Clonmel.

He’s healthy as a bull.

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So my post that Swedes don’t wear masks was correct?

Some do. As Tim proved. If it was recommended a significant amount more would.

You’re getting a good workout today

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