Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You’ve a lovely habit of making out like you’re above this place whenever you are questioned or read something you don’t like


The joke about the Cark man with an inferiority complex comes to mind.

Your point was that we’re lazy and selfish where they are not. The original point was that swedes aren’t wearing masks. You denigrated the Irish by suggesting lads have to be beaten/shamed into wearing them while informing us that the swedes don’t need to be quilted into it. But shure if they’re not doing it anyway? Surely the outcome for us should be better however the mask wearer was motivated? I’d also disagree that social distancing isnt happening here. Every shop I go to has an orderly queue. People all wear masks dropping kids to school.
And finally, yes I do think personal handwashing varies within every society, not necessarily by nationality.

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Scathing piece in the Sindo from Eoghan Harris about the scaremongering going on in RTE


And? There isn’t evidence of them wearing masks in the main.

Many bought them just in case, so what?

You are trying to make a point about them following advice and it not being needed to be enforced, but the advice has literally been that face masks are a bad idea from their public health officials. If they are all wearing masks then they are going against their public health advice.

For some reason you really take leave of your brain when discussing Sweden.

The lads are being thick here. The public health officials have advised against masks in Sweden.

Lads would argue about anything here.

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No they wouldn’t.


Speak for yourself, you seem to have very bad hygiene

And some people still wear them. If they reversed and advised a lot more would wear them. They Swedes have a lot of trust in their officials and politicians. They are doing what they’re told with regards to social distancing etc.

@backinatracksuit points this out and he gets hammered
@Batigol makes a similar generalisation and he gets a free pass and even defended.

Wagons. Circled

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Cork boys circling the wagons again

Who hammered him? Surely we’re able to debate a bit? His post was a bit nuts. That was unusual. @Batigol’s posts are always nuts so it doesn’t get the same traction.


@Batigol be cray cray

How could you leave me
When I needed to posses you
I hated you, I loved you too.

I thought his point was fair enough tbf. If we were the same as the Swedes @Thomas_Brady wouldn’t be moving there. I lolled at Trackie’s reaction at the same time.

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Those are fair enough points, I wouldn’t agree with them all obviously, but we’ve had different experiences obviously.
I made a point based on what I heard from what seemed a trustworthy source who lives in that country, my own pre Covid experience in Sweden which is what you focussed on was not really relevant,

He said;

@backinatracksuit was trying to paint them as good little boys and girls who wear their masks without being asked. The Irish wouldn’t do that apparently.

Batigol responded that they don’t really wear them.

Firstly, the point on Ireland is wrong as the NPHET member pointed out. Irish people were wearing masks in supermarkets generally before they were mandatory. This self loathing Paddy bashing is nauseating.

Secondly, in terms of the point he made about them not need to be told to wear masks and being good boys and girls is mixed up logic. Sweden’s public health officials said that they are a bad idea for public health. By wearing them, they would be actively rebelling against the public health advice, precisely the opposite of being good boys and girls.

You jumped in with some irrelevant point on them buying masks when it was rumoured that they’d be mandatory. It is essentially the exact same thing that happened in Ireland.

So please stop talking shit.


It’s the sabbath. Be nice to each other on the sabbath

His point was if they were advised to wear masks they’d only have to be asked not forced. It would be a recommendation not a mandate and they would follow as they seem to trust their health officials

Do you dispute that?

That wasn’t his point.

He clearly wasn’t aware that they don’t advise on masks.

You attempted to tie the purchase of masks by people to people wearing them above, it so, do you accept that this isn’t actually social solidarity and in fact goes against their own public health advice?

And he was wrong on Ireland. Do you accept that?