Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

There wont be any intercounty imho. People were gathering in pubs to watch streams of club finals.

If intercounty was to go ahead, you would have large gatherings in houses to watch matches, that will spill over into one long party.

Itā€™s a recipe for disaster.

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In some ways that supports the theory that the virus was with us a lot earlier than we recorded and that it is the human response that has changed and not the virus.
Essentially because of testing and awareness measures now in place we are experiencing what already potentially happened in January and February i.e. second wave but with data that doesnā€™t quite match what we perceived to be the first wave.

The hope being we have learned and applied enough measures without crippling society to avoid November and December mirroring March and April as to what now seem to have been the culmination of mass infection.

Itā€™s would have taken 4 planes to keep everyone travelling 2m apart.


Id like to think the virus was with us long before March but are there any stories of people who got what was thought to be the flu last winter and suffered long lasting symptoms (ie ā€œlong covidā€?)

Also didnā€™t they test something like 400 people from mid February onwards before finding the first case on February 29th?

That would suggest it wasnā€™t completely widespread pre March.

We were testing 15,000 a day a couple of weeks ago to find 200 cases.

They had to tighten the criteria for testing as we only had a positivity rate of 1%.

The senior inter county is going to happen even if we go to level 5 according to John Fogarty in the Irish Examiner. Tony Holohan has said as much.

Tony Holohan is in the GAH!

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So true. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is rarely wrong.*

*unless discussingā€¦

  • long haul carbon offsets
  • the Labour Party
  • anything to do with the LOI
  • owning up to singing like a canary in malahide garda station

Itā€™s for the national mood. Have something on the TV to entertain the masses.

ā€œIn September you planted 10 trees in the Danube Floodplains to help restore one of the last remnants of Central Europeā€™s floodplain forestsā€

& this is after i made a decision not to fly to oz this year for enviromental reasons

Bread and circuses.

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A bitta propaganda

Other countries can run sports without shutting down the country, yet here we are.

How can we be lovers if we canā€™t be friends
How can we start over
If the fighting never ends

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There were 9,500 at the Stuttgart game last week

The LOI has been run weā€™ll but thatā€™s pro. Amateur players go back to college or the farm. Too risky

Because it was on FIRE? Brave decision. So you planted imaginary trees on a European flood plain to assuage your guilt?

I know.

Iā€™m not comfortable with the use of Mortimer to make points here


Yes. I carbon offset every month

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