Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

gotcha, went to primary school with one of them family (if they still own it)

Sorry to hear that.

I’m sorry to hear that Mac

Sorry to hear that @Mac.

Two teachers died of it over here over the weekend. One of them was only 31.

Thanks lads. I’d barely know the lady as she’s been in a home for as long as I’ve known Mrs Mac. They only buried another sister 2 weeks back so her Mam will have buried 2 sisters in 2 weeks. Horrific.

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Sorry to hear that

They’re a statistical anomally.

It will be interesting what happens up north in the next 5/6 weeks.

On the 14th August there were 6,299 cases and the death total was 558.

Around two months later and the cases are up to 20,158 but deaths are only up to 588.

So cases are up 223% yet deaths are only up 5%.

Obviously the surge has only been lately so the real answer on deaths will only be in 5/6 weeks time, you’d imagine by using precedent you’d expect the death rate to be 1,805.

I really don’t envisage 1,300 odd Covid deaths in the O6 in the next 5/6 weeks.



Sorry to hear that news, @Mac

These Nursing Homes need to up their fucking standards.


Whilst this is a fair point, I think some perspective is needed.

Almost 18% of nursing home patients were confirmed Covid patients up to July, this is around 5,400 of the confirmed cases and sadly makes up around 1,000 of the deaths to then. Whilst we definitely picked up more cases from nursing homes then other settings due to blanket testing, there were a significant number of asymptomatic there. Up to half have been estimated in some settings;

The IFR there is likely lower than 19% therefore. Even with blanket testing we likely missed hundreds/thousands of early case. If we say conservatively there there were 6,000 real cases conservatively then it was about 17%.

This is an awful number but also needs perspective. There will be a lot of RIPs in nursing homes every year. Covid is undoubtedly multiplying the impact (not sure to what degree but I wouldn’t say over 3) but people will pass away in them. There will be nursing homes every year where flu is brought in and kills several residents.

And every single year, the number of vulnerable people replenishes itself as people age.

From 27/09/2020 up to midnight on 10/10/2020

67% of cases in those 2 weeks were people aged 0-44

I would have thought nursing homes would have been better suited to deal with contagious diseases in general.

Sorry for your troubles @Mac

877 cases up north from 4430 individuals tested.

19.80% positivity rate

Crisis over

They’ve taken the Trump approach. Less tests = less cases.
The positivity rate is now 1 in 5.


They are really bad figures

Yes but they’ve been really bad figures for the past two weeks. The next 5/6 weeks will tell us all we need to know about how deadly this virus is. If it’s as bad as some are saying, the North will become like Lombardy. You’d be looking at 7-800 deaths in the next 5 weeks.

Are you saying the next 5/6 weeks are critical

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