Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Surprised Paddy Power aren’t running an over/under market yet

It took a friend of mine a month to be able to travel from Melbourne to Western Australia.
He had to first go to NT and isolate there for 2 weeks, then fly to Perth where he had to isolate for another 2 weeks, before he could then fly out to a job in the back arse of nowhere.

In NZ if test positive your whole family and close contacts are sent to a concentration camp.

We can be like those places if you want, but you would be willing to accept what was required to achieve that?

And for an indefinite period of time, plenty seem to believe that harsh restrictions only last a few weeks.

We should keep doing this for all illnesses until nobody dies anymore


Apart from the concentration camp bit I’d take the Western Australian things you outlined alright if that’s all it took.
Maybe even the concentration camp it it had good WiFi

There’s no harsh restrictions for the fella I was talking to anyway. His life is 100pc normal except they’ve had a new baby and no one can visit them. He can’t travel but a lot of people would give that up.
I know it would be a waste of time for Ireland to try that approach but it’s heartening to me that there’s somewhere in the world back to normal anyway

We will defeat death intself.

I think at this stage the Government should fully bow down to NPHET & to the under the bed crowd. Every single time that a Covid case is confirmed this should be sounded from every church steeple, radio / TV station & mobile phone in the country :+1:

Other illnesses dont matter

We’re Donald Ducked.

It will take society 50 years to recover from this.

38,000,000 cases worldwide and 5 confirmed reinfections.


Yeah isn’t it just the same as certain people get chicken pox twice and things like that?

Ok guys, sorry for overreacting.


Technology tycoon Bill Gates said life can get back to normal only when a second generation of Covid-19 vaccines is widely available and the virus is eradicated worldwide – a higher bar than was set for any disease in history.
“The only way we’ll get completely back to normal is by having, maybe not the first generation of vaccines, but eventually a vaccine that is super-effective, and that a lot of the people take, and that we get the disease eliminated on a global basis,” Gates said Sunday in an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press program. “That is where we can finally start taking all the problems that have been created – in education, mental health – and start to build back in a positive way.”

According to that standard, Americans might need to live for years, or for life, under social-distancing guidelines and other Covid-19 restrictions. It’s certainly gloomier than the assessment Gates gave in a Fox interview last month, when he said progress on vaccines might make it possible for a return to normalcy in the US by the summer of 2021. He said he expects several of the first generation of vaccines to get emergency approval by early next year.

It’s over lads.
We were the last generation to grow up with a large degree of freedom.

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9/11 changed everything.

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Most people wont be happy until we get deaths below zero.

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When the Himalayan peasant meets the he bear in his pride

He shouts to scare the monster who will often turn aside
But the she bear thus accosted tends the peasant tooth and nail
For the female of species is more deadly than the male

It’s sad to see lads breaking today.

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