Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Yeah and quarantined on arrival.

I didnā€™t have an issue with most quarantine from the US due to the cases during the summer, though the North East was very low in comparison and we really should be looking at a more regional approach for there too.

My issue was with Ireland defying the medical experts at the the ECDC and stopping travellers from countries with low Covid levels into Ireland, and unnecessarily exacerbating the issues that aviation and tourism faced in Dublin. Iā€™m sure the owners of B&Bs in Dublin and elsewhere would have liked to host some tourists from areas with ECDC levels of low Covid. Ireland wanted to be the best lads though :+1:

Nobody was stopped from travelling

You can cut the bullshit, there were a lot fewer people travelling due to advice to quarantine and restrict movements.

Keep making a tit of yourself like you did on Sweden two days ago though. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

One of my housemates is just back from a month in Italy :mask:

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Safer there than Ireland.

Fewer people were travelling because of a pandemic

Looking at the numbers, and with the obvious caveat that its early days, but we have been circa 800 cases for 3 days now (or roughly that as a daily average for 5 days). Signs of stability there. There also has been no great increase in ICU numbers, and itā€™s certainly not on the cusp of being overwhelmed. I would say there are positive signs. I may even have my first social contact in 3 weeks this weekend.

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Qingdao has a savage beer festival every summer. Full of Chinese getting hammered off their tits. Booze being sold on every street corner in plastic bags. Nearly every fella has his top off because of the heat. Imagine downtown Castlebar when Mayo for Sam eventually happens but a Chinese version. With sweaty sex midgets. They donā€™t do PC yet so its fully ok for a midget to be onstage, dragging up embarrassed women from the baying crowd and dry-riding their legs while belting out tunes and sweating his bollox of in the 30+ degrees heat. Good times.

Although the water at the beach was filthy.


No shit Sherlock

The question is to what degree

Ireland was down nearly 90% and the second lowest in Europe YoY in July.


The Irish figure was likely masked because it still is good for connections, so many Americans based in Europe who want to get North America can do so because (thankfully) Aer Lingus are still providing routes. Similarly nordies travelling through Dublin who had more ā€œGreenā€ list countries to choose from.

Similarly in August, Ireland was amongst the worst performers

These figures are particularly bad in the context of Irelandā€™s position in Europe as an island nation. Many Europeans could simply have jumped in the car to travel the continent if they didnā€™t want air travel abroad, no such option in Ireland.

As previously shown, the removal of Spain and France by the UK had a significant impact there, with reduced travel and frantic returns home. Many will ignore travel advice but most will not, that is the reality and is borne out by the figures.

Irelandā€™s decision to not follow the ECDC advise was a disgrace. As I mentioned, given our position in Europe and the relative importance of aviation to our economy (with Europeā€™s most flown airline, Aer Lingusā€™s reputation, AirCraft leading etc); we should have been leaders in the early adoption of EU advice. As the AerCap CEO wrote in the Irish Times yesterday; thereā€™s an Irish company helping role out testing for American Airlines, why wasnā€™t this trialed in Ireland? We are the country that needs this more than nearly any other one?

Our domestic tourism could have done with the extra 10% or so that would have given us the EU average. Even 5% would have translated to an additional few thousand a day arriving here.

Diplomatically and for perception purposes, we went for the cowardly route, as Eoin Drea summed up;

ā€œViewed from afar, Ireland seems stuck behind a ā€œCeltic curtainā€ obsessing about case numbers in Britain and the United States. Much of continental Europe has understood the trade-off between allowing society to function as close to normal as possible and an increased (but manageable) level of virus cases. Here in Flanders, my daughter returned to school in May, free testing for those who want it is available and international travel is restricted (but allowed) based on the latest virus data available.

In Ireland, the Governmentā€™s unease at a health system with very limited capacity has made Irish people afraid of travel, afraid of tourists, seemingly afraid of themselves. Instead of utilising best-practice examples from around Europe, Ireland has largely ignored EU guidelines for safely restarting international travel.ā€

Instead of going for the scientific, business friendly and diplomatically sane approach; we went for one to appease NPHETā€™s secret zero Coviders and the bed wetters who wanted the airports fully closed.


Ye said ye didnā€™t want us. Looking down at us. And ye all riddled.

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Your best job ever?


Karma for Drew after he threatened @TheUlteriorMotive


Paschal getting passionate

The police are in a state.

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Ronan could do with loosening up a little here

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He should have answered. Its gone downhill since. Theres a voodoo curse on the country

Crazy decision in the North to close schools and the hospitality sector, and moreover to implement it from this weekend only.

That is weeks after cases started to explode, with delays from actions to tests we are talking about what people did nearly 4 weeks ago now, all of which will have changed since. Is this the Tiger Horn in action?

It also makes it difficult for Nphet on the schools. They were making some fibs that they wanted them kept open on Level 5 but I suspect they would have moved to asking for their closure too in time.

Why is everyone so gung ho about closing the schools? Besides the universities has there been outbreaks of the virus in schools?

Mary Lou McDonald spent 4 minutes on Morning Ireland this morning trying not to answer if she thought schools in border counties also need to close.

It was fascinating to watch*

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