Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

the poles are awful gas lads

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Makes sense now. The lads in the RCSI encouraging McConkey to get out of the place and talk to the media all day so they can get on with some actual work.


Sounds like proper science. Bob prefers to deal in warnings and predictions

When Europe went into lockdown back in March /April… We had beautiful weather going in May… As Europe has started locking down over the last couple of weeks we’re enjoying some lovely autumn weather…

God is on our side.

1095 cases

5 deaths

May they rest in peace

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Think 1095 is the highest daily figure to date.

246 in Dublin
185 in Meath
128 in Cavan
118 in Cork
63 in Kildare
Remaining 342 cases across all remaining counties

You would have to think if those daily numbers climb up wards of 1500 + we’re going to level 5.

I’m Italian mate.

200 (1)

There’s always the ground.

The trajectory is absolutely begging for a national Level 4 at the LEAST at this stage.

Will the little ones be allowed trick or treat this year?

Judging by social media, I can see a growing split in the country between those who oppose the lockdowm and think NPHET should all resign and those who are pro-lockdown but think that it’s all pointless until we close the schools. Currently I would say the pro-lockdown-close-the-schools people are in the majority but I also think that my plan is falling into place and once the reality of schools being shut hits people then the anti-lockdown side will grow stronger.

13 of the 28 hospitals in the Country do not have any available ICU beds.

No thank god

She’ll be more than welcome at CH residence.